List of Famous people with last name Kohl

Helmut Kohl

Helmut Josef Michael Kohl
First Name Helmut
Born on April 3, 1930
Died on June 16, 2017 (aged 87)

Helmut Josef Michael Kohl was a German statesman and politician of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) who served as Chancellor of Germany from 1982 to 1998 and as chairman of the CDU from 1973 to 1998. Kohl's 16-year tenure is the longest of any German Chancellor since Otto von Bismarck, and oversaw the end of the Cold War, the German reunification and the creation of the European Union.

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Hannelore Kohl

Johanna Klara Eleonore Renner
First Name Hannelore
Born on March 7, 1933
Died on July 5, 2001 (aged 68)
Born in Germany

Johanna Klara Eleonore "Hannelore" Kohl was the first wife of German Chancellor Helmut Kohl. She met him for the first time at a prom in Ludwigshafen, Allied-occupied Germany in 1948, when she was 15 years old, and they became engaged in 1953. They were married from 1960 until her death in 2001, including during his entire political career. They were the parents of Walter Kohl and Peter Kohl.

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Bernhard Kohl

First Name Bernhard
Last Name Kohl
Born on January 4, 1982 (age 43)
Born in Austria
Height 172 cm | 5'8

Bernhard Kohl is an Austrian former professional road bicycle racer and recognized climbing specialist. After the Gerolsteiner team announced they would not be in existence for the 2009 season, Kohl signed with UCI ProTeam Silence–Lotto for three years. His biggest career achievements include becoming the Austrian national road race champion in 2006, finishing third place overall in the Dauphiné Libéré and winning the mountains classification in the 2008 Tour de France. He was 73 seconds behind winner Carlos Sastre at the completion of the event, finishing in third place in the General classification.

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Walter Kohl

First Name Walter
Last Name Kohl
Born on July 16, 1963 (age 61)

Walter Kohl is a German financial analyst, businessman and author. He is the elder of the two sons of the former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Hannelore Kohl, and the brother of Peter Kohl.

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Jerome Kohl

First Name Jerome
Last Name Kohl
Born on November 27, 1946
Died on August 4, 2020 (aged 73)

Jerome Joseph Kohl was an American musicologist, academic journal editor, and recorder teacher. A music theorist at the University of Washington, he became recognized internationally as an authority on the music of Karlheinz Stockhausen.

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Peter Kohl

First Name Peter
Last Name Kohl
Born on August 28, 1965 (age 59)

Peter Kohl is a German businessman and author, who resides in Switzerland. He is the younger son of former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Hannelore Kohl, and brother of Walter Kohl.

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Herb Kohl

First Name Herb
Last Name Kohl
Born on February 7, 1935 (age 90)

Herbert H. Kohl is an American businessman and politician. Alongside the help of his brother and father, the Kohl family created the Kohl's department stores chain and Kohl went on to be president and CEO of Kohl's. Kohl is a former United States Senator from Wisconsin and a member of the Democratic Party. Kohl is also the former owner of the Milwaukee Bucks of the National Basketball Association. He chose not to seek re-election in 2012 and was succeeded by fellow Democrat Tammy Baldwin.

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Hermann Köhl

First Name Hermann
Last Name Köhl
Born on April 15, 1888
Died on October 7, 1938 (aged 50)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Hermann Köhl was a German aviation pioneer and pilot of the first transatlantic flight by a fixed-wing aircraft from East to West.

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Michael Kohl

First Name Michael
Last Name Kohl
Born on January 1, 1929
Died on January 1, 1981 (aged 52)
Born in Germany, Thuringia
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Anja Kohl

First Name Anja
Born on July 27, 1970 (age 54)
Born in Germany, Bavaria
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