List of Famous people named Walter

Name Walter is among the most common names in Germany, USA, Argentina, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, Canada. Shortened forms: Walt. Similar names: Walt, Walther, Walthere. Here are some famous Walters:

Walter Smith

Walter Ferguson Smith
First Name Walter
Last Name Smith
Born on February 24, 1948
Died on October 26, 2021 (aged 73)

Walter Ferguson Smith is a Scottish former football player, manager and director. He is primarily associated with his two spells as manager of Scottish club Rangers.

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Walter Mondale

Walter Frederick Mondale
First Name Walter
Last Name Mondale
Born on January 5, 1928
Died on April 19, 2021 (aged 93)

Walter Frederick "Fritz" Mondale is an American politician, diplomat and lawyer who served as the 42nd vice president of the United States from 1977 to 1981. A United States senator from Minnesota (1964–1976), he was the Democratic Party's nominee in the 1984 United States presidential election, but lost to incumbent Ronald Reagan in an Electoral College and popular vote landslide. Reagan won 49 states while Mondale carried his home state of Minnesota and the District of Columbia. In October 2002, Mondale became the last-minute choice of the Minnesota Democratic–Farmer–Labor Party to run for Senate after the death of Senator Paul Wellstone, but was defeated by Saint Paul Mayor Norm Coleman. Mondale became the oldest living former U.S. vice president after the death of George H. W. Bush in 2018.

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Walter O'Brien

First Name Walter
Last Name O'Brien
Born on February 24, 1975 (age 49)
Born in Ireland, Leinster

Walter O'Brien is an Irish businessman and information technologist. He was also the executive producer and loose inspiration of the television series Scorpion. He is known for various self-reported claims including a childhood IQ of 197 which have been scrutinized.

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Walter Kohl

First Name Walter
Last Name Kohl
Born on July 16, 1963 (age 61)

Walter Kohl is a German financial analyst, businessman and author. He is the elder of the two sons of the former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl and Hannelore Kohl, and the brother of Peter Kohl.

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Walter Casagrande

First Name Walter
Last Name Casagrande
Born on April 15, 1963 (age 61)
Born in Brazil, São Paulo
Height 191 cm | 6'3

Wálter Casagrande Júnior, or simply Casagrande, is a Brazilian football pundit and retired footballer who played as a forward.

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Walter Daniel Benítez

First Name Walter
Last Name Benítez
Height 193 cm | 6'4

Walter Daniel Benítez is an Argentine professional footballer who plays as a goalkeeper for Ligue 1 club OGC Nice.

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Walter E. Williams

First Name Walter
Last Name Williams
Born on March 31, 1936 (age 88)

Walter Edward Williams was an American economist, commentator, and academic.

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Walter Bou

First Name Walter
Last Name Bou
Born on August 25, 1993 (age 31)
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Walter Ariel Bou is an Argentine footballer who plays for Boca Juniors.

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Walter McCarty

First Name Walter
Last Name McCarty
Born on February 1, 1974 (age 50)
Height 208 cm | 6'10

Walter Lee McCarty is an American basketball coach and former professional player. McCarty played for the NBA's New York Knicks, Boston Celtics, Phoenix Suns, and the Los Angeles Clippers. He last served as head coach of the Evansville Purple Aces.

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Walter Koenig

First Name Walter
Last Name Koenig
Born on September 14, 1936 (age 88)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Walter Marvin Koenig is an American actor and screenwriter. He began acting professionally in the mid 1960s and quickly rose to prominence for his supporting role as Ensign Pavel Chekov in Star Trek: The Original Series (1967–1969). He went on to reprise this role in all seven original-cast Star Trek films. He has also acted in several other series and films including Goodbye, Raggedy Ann (1971), The Questor Tapes (1974), Babylon 5 (1993), and Crusade (1999).

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