List of Famous people with last name Isaac

Oscar Isaac

Óscar Isaac Hernández Estrada
First Name Oscar
Last Name Isaac
Born on March 9, 1979 (age 45)
Height 171 cm | 5'7

Óscar Isaac Hernández Estrada is a Guatemalan-American actor who starred in the tragicomedy Inside Llewyn Davis (2013), for which he received a Golden Globe Award nomination, the crime drama A Most Violent Year (2014), and the science fiction thriller Ex Machina (2014). In 2006, he portrayed Saint Joseph, husband of Mary, in The Nativity Story. He also portrayed José Ramos-Horta, former president of East Timor and co-recipient of the 1996 Nobel Peace Prize, in the Australian film Balibo, for which he won the AACTA Award for Best Actor in a Supporting Role.

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Jonathan Isaac

Jonathan Judah Isaac is an American professional basketball player for the Orlando Magic of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He played college basketball for one season for the Florida State Seminoles. He was selected by Orlando in the first round of the 2017 NBA draft with the sixth overall pick.

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Elisapie Isaac

First Name Elisapie
Born on January 1, 1977 (age 47)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Elisapie Isaac is a Canadian Inuk singer-songwriter, broadcaster, documentary filmmaker, and activist. She spent her childhood in Salluit, Nunavik, and moved to Montreal in 1999 to pursue communication studies in order to become a journalist.

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Islamic view of Isaac

First Name Islamic

The biblical patriarch Isaac is recognized as a prophet and messenger of God by Muslims. As in Judaism and Christianity, Islam maintains that Isaac was the son of the patriarch and prophet Abraham from his wife Sarah. Muslims hold Isaac in deep veneration because they believe that both Isaac and his older half-brother Ishmael continued their father's spiritual legacy through their subsequent preaching of the message of God after the death of Abraham. Isaac is mentioned in fifteen passages of the Quran. Along with being mentioned several times in the Quran, Isaac is held up as one of Islam's prophets.

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Jules Isaac

First Name Jules
Last Name Isaac
Born on November 18, 1877
Died on September 5, 1963 (aged 85)
Born in France, Brittany

Jules Isaac was "a well known and highly respected Jewish historian in France with an impressive career in the world of education" by the time World War II began.

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James Isaac

First Name James
Last Name Isaac
Born on June 5, 1960
Died on May 6, 2012 (aged 51)

James Isaac was an American film director and visual effects supervisor.

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George Isaac

First Name George
Last Name Isaac
Born on January 1, 1938 (age 86)

George Ishak is an Egyptian politician and activist. During the later part of Hosni Mubarak's presidency, he co-founded the grassroots Kefaya opposition movement.

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Margaret Denise Isaac

First Name Margaret
Last Name Isaac
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Mary Isaac

First Name Mary
Last Name Isaac
Died on December 21, 1880
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Jules Florent Ferdinand Baptiste Isaac

First Name Jules
Last Name Isaac
Born on June 15, 1830
Died on January 13, 1885 (aged 54)
Born in Belgium, Wallonia
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