List of Famous people with last name Iqbal

Zidane Iqbal

First Name Zidane
Last Name Iqbal
Born on April 27, 2003 (age 21)

Zidane Aamar Iqbal is a professional footballer who plays as a midfielder for English Premier League club Manchester United. Born in England, he is a youth international for Iraq.

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Muzaffar Iqbal

First Name Muzaffar
Last Name Iqbal
Born on May 12, 1954 (age 70)
Born in Pakistan, Punjab

Muzaffar Iqbāl is a Pakistani-Canadian Islamic scholar and author. Iqbal earned his doctorate (1983) in Chemistry from the University of Saskatchewan and then left the field of experimental science to devote himself fully to his chosen fields: literature, history, philosophy, Islamic intellectual and spiritual traditions. Between 1984 and 1990, he taught Urdu at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1984–85), wrote two acclaimed novels in Urdu, Inkhila (Uprooting) and Inqta (Severance). During 1980 and 1990, he published a number of translations of poetry of Latin American poets and wrote a series of literary essays on American and South American writers including Herman Melville, Nabokov, Borges, Pablo Neruda, and Garcia Marquez. He also wrote on literary theory.

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Muhammed Zafar Iqbal

First Name Muhammed
Last Name Iqbal
Born on December 23, 1952 (age 71)

Muhammed Zafar Iqbal is a Bangladeshi science fiction author, physicist, academic and activist. He is a professor of computer science and engineering at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST). As of January 2018, he is the head of Electrical and Electronic Engineering department. He achieved his PhD from University of Washington. After working long 18 years as a Scientist in California Institute of Technology and Bel Communications Research, he returned to his own motherland Bangladesh and joined Shahjalal University of Science and Technology as a professor of Computer Science and Engineering.

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Muhammad Iqbal

First Name Muhammad
Last Name Iqbal
Born on March 10, 1982 (age 42)
Born in Indonesia, West Java
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Javed Iqbal

First Name Javed
Last Name Iqbal
Born on November 30, 1949 (age 74)
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