List of Famous people with last name Hanks

Tom Hanks

First Name Tom
Last Name Hanks
Born on July 9, 1956 (age 68)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Thomas Jeffrey Hanks is an American actor and filmmaker. Known for both his comedic and dramatic roles, Hanks is one of the most popular and recognizable film stars worldwide, and is regarded as an American cultural icon. Hanks's films have grossed more than $4.9 billion in North America and more than $9.96 billion worldwide, making him the fourth-highest-grossing actor in North America.

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Colin Hanks

Colin Lewes Dillingham
First Name Colin
Last Name Hanks
Born on November 24, 1977 (age 46)
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Colin Lewes Hanks is an American actor, producer, and director. He is known for starring in films such as Orange County, King Kong, The House Bunny, The Great Buck Howard, and the Jumanji film series. His television credits include Roswell, Band of Brothers, Dexter, Fargo, The Good Guys, and Life in Pieces. He is the eldest son of actor Tom Hanks.

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Chet Hanks

First Name Chet
Born on August 4, 1990 (age 33)

Chester Marlon Hanks, better known as Chet Hanks, is an American actor and musician. He is best known as the son of actor Tom Hanks and for recurring roles on Empire and Shameless. Hanks currently appears as Joey Maldini in the Showtime legal drama Your Honor.

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Jim Hanks

James Mathew Hanks
First Name Jim
Last Name Hanks
Born on June 15, 1961 (age 63)

James Mathew Hanks is an American actor and filmmaker. He has played numerous minor roles in film and guest appearances on television, and often substitutes doing voice work for his older brother Tom Hanks. He has produced, directed, and filmed several short films. Hanks made his film debut in Buford's Beach Bunnies (1993).

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Larry Hanks

First Name Larry
Born on January 26, 1953 (age 71)

Lawrence Michael Hanks is an American entomologist and Professor in the Department of Entomology at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

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Gage Hanks

First Name Gage
Last Name Hanks
Born on June 8, 1992 (age 32)
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Elizabeth Hanks

First Name Elizabeth
Last Name Hanks
Born on May 17, 1982 (age 42)
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Truman Hanks

First Name Truman
Last Name Hanks
Born on December 26, 1995 (age 28)
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Clara Prudence Hanks

First Name Clara
Last Name Hanks
Born on January 12, 1828
Died on January 1, 1913 (aged 84)
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Sam Hanks

First Name Sam
Last Name Hanks
Born on July 13, 1914
Died on June 27, 1994 (aged 79)

Sam Hanks was an American racecar driver who won the 1957 Indianapolis 500. He was a barnstormer, and raced midget and Championship cars.

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