List of Famous people with last name Grech

Joe Grech

First Name Joe
Last Name Grech
Born on July 9, 1954
Died on August 21, 2021 (aged 67)

Joe Grech was a Maltese snooker and billiards player. He won the IBSF World Billiards Championship in 1997. He competed in amateur and professional snooker and billiards championships in a career spanning nearly 40 years. He won the Maltese English Billiards Championship on 21 occasions including 13 successive titles from 2003 to 2015.

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Prosper Grech

First Name Prosper
Last Name Grech
Born on December 24, 1925
Died on December 30, 2019 (aged 94)

Prosper Grech was a Maltese Augustinian friar, who co-founded the Patristic Institute Augustinianum in Rome. He was created a cardinal by Pope Benedict XVI on 18 February 2012. He was the second Maltese member of the College of Cardinals, the first since 1843.

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Ric Grech

First Name Ric
Born on November 1, 1946
Died on March 17, 1990 (aged 43)

Richard Roman Grechko, better known as Ric Grech, was a British rock musician and multi-instrumentalist. He is best known for playing bass guitar and violin with Family as well as in the supergroups Blind Faith and Traffic. He also played with ex-Cream drummer Ginger Baker's Air Force.

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Joe Grech

First Name Joe
Last Name Grech
Born on February 9, 1934 (age 90)

Joseph “Joe” Grech, is a Maltese singer, who was born in Cospicua, Malta. He is best known for introducing Maltese language singing to an international audience, especially through his participation in Eurovision Song Contest 1971, the first appearance from Malta on this pan-European television event.

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Mario Grech

First Name Mario
Last Name Grech
Born on February 20, 1957 (age 67)

Mario Grech is a Maltese prelate who was Bishop of Gozo from 2005 to 2019. He was Pro-Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops from October 2019 until he became Secretary General in September 2020.

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Godwin Grech

First Name Godwin
Last Name Grech
Born on November 30, 1954 (age 69)
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