List of Famous people with last name Goetz

Bernhard Goetz

First Name Bernhard
Last Name Goetz
Born on November 7, 1947 (age 77)

On December 22, 1984, four teens, Barry Allen, Troy Canty, Darrell Cabey, and James Ramseur, were shot and wounded by Bernhard Goetz on a New York City Subway train in Manhattan.

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Rainald Goetz

Rainald Maria Goetz
First Name Rainald
Born on May 24, 1954 (age 70)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Rainald Maria Goetz is a German author, playwright and essayist.

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Curt Goetz

First Name Curt
Born on November 17, 1888
Died on September 12, 1960 (aged 71)

Curt Goetz, born Kurt Walter Götz, was a Swiss German writer, actor and film director. Curt Goetz was regarded as one of the most brilliant comedy writers of his time in the German-speaking world. Together with his wife Valérie von Martens he acted in his own plays and also filmed them. He was a distant relative of the Irish writer George Bernard Shaw, with whom he was often compared.

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Ingvild Goetz

First Name Ingvild
Born on January 1, 1941 (age 84)
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Sebastian Richard Goetz

First Name Sebastian
Last Name Goetz
Born on June 30, 1970
Died on March 10, 2016 (aged 45)
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Dominic Goetz

First Name Dominic
Last Name Goetz
Born on January 1, 1971 (age 54)
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Peter Michael Goetz

First Name Peter
Last Name Goetz
Born on December 10, 1941 (age 83)

Peter Michael Goetz is an American actor.

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Carl Goetz

First Name Carl
Last Name Goetz
Born on June 12, 1885
Died on August 26, 1965 (aged 80)
Born in Germany, Hesse
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Ferdinand Goetz

Ferdinand Hermann Wilhelm Goetz
First Name Ferdinand
Last Name Goetz
Born on May 24, 1826
Died on October 13, 1915 (aged 89)
Born in Germany, Saxony
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William Goetz

First Name William
Last Name Goetz
Born on March 24, 1903
Died on August 15, 1969 (aged 66)

William B. "Bill" Goetz was an American film producer and studio executive. Goetz was one of the founders of Twentieth Century Pictures, later renamed 20th Century Fox. He served as Fox's vice president and later became the head of production at Universal-International.

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