List of Famous people with last name Gandolfini

James Gandolfini

First Name James
Last Name Gandolfini
Born on September 18, 1961
Died on June 19, 2013 (aged 51)
Height 185 cm | 6'1

James Joseph Gandolfini Jr. was an American actor and producer. He was best known for his role as Tony Soprano, the Italian-American crime boss in HBO's television series The Sopranos, for which he won three Emmy Awards, three Screen Actors Guild Awards, and one Golden Globe Award. Gandolfini's portrayal of Tony Soprano is widely regarded as among the greatest performances in television history.

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Michael Gandolfini

First Name Michael
Last Name Gandolfini
Born on May 10, 1998 (age 26)

Michael Gandolfini is an American actor. Gandolfini made his debut in Ocean's 8 (2018) and is set to appear as Tony Soprano, the role originated by his father, in The Many Saints of Newark (2021), a prequel film to The Sopranos.

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