List of Famous people with last name Fitch

Val Logsdon Fitch

First Name Val
Last Name Fitch
Born on March 10, 1923
Died on February 5, 2015 (aged 91)

Val Logsdon Fitch was an American nuclear physicist who, with co-researcher James Cronin, was awarded the 1980 Nobel Prize in Physics for a 1964 experiment using the Alternating Gradient Synchrotron at Brookhaven National Laboratory that proved that certain subatomic reactions do not adhere to fundamental symmetry principles. Specifically, they proved, by examining the decay of K-mesons, that a reaction run in reverse does not retrace the path of the original reaction, which showed that the reactions of subatomic particles are not indifferent to time. Thus the phenomenon of CP violation was discovered. This demolished the faith that physicists had that natural laws were governed by symmetry.

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Jon Fitch

First Name Jon
Last Name Fitch
Born on February 24, 1978 (age 46)
Height 183 cm | 6'0

Jonathan Parker Fitch is an American retired mixed martial artist who most recently competed in the welterweight division of Bellator MMA. He is a former PFL Welterweight Champion, and also formerly competed for the Ultimate Fighting Championship where he compiled a record of 14–3–1 and challenged for the welterweight title.

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Bill Fitch

William Charles Fitch
First Name Bill
Last Name Fitch
Born on May 19, 1934
Died on February 2, 2022 (aged 87)
Height 188 cm | 6'2

William Charles Fitch is an American former National Basketball Association (NBA) coach who had been successful in developing a number of teams into playoff contenders. Before entering the professional ranks, he coached college basketball at the University of Minnesota, Bowling Green State University, the University of North Dakota, and his alma mater, Coe College. Fitch's teams twice qualified for the NCAA tournament. He won the Chuck Daly Lifetime Achievement Award for the 2012–13 NBA season.

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Caroline Eliza Fitch

First Name Caroline
Last Name Fitch
Died on June 20, 1923
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Walter Hood Fitch

First Name Walter
Last Name Fitch
Born on February 28, 1817
Died on January 14, 1892 (aged 74)

Walter Hood Fitch was a botanical illustrator, born in Glasgow, Scotland, who executed some 10,000 drawings for various publications. His work in colour lithograph, including 2700 illustrations for Curtis's Botanical Magazine, produced up to 200 plates per year.

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John Nugent Fitch

First Name John
Last Name Fitch
Born on October 24, 1840
Died on January 11, 1927 (aged 86)

John Nugent Fitch was a British botanical illustrator and lithographer, best known for his contribution of 528 plates to The Orchid Album, a landmark work of eleven volumes published between 1872 and 1897. Fitch was the nephew of botanical artist Walter Hood Fitch (1817–1892). Fitch also contributed to Curtis's Botanical Magazine from 1878, joining a select group of illustrators such as William Kilburn, James Sowerby, Sydenham Edwards, William Jackson Hooker and Walter Hood Fitch. Fitch also produced plates for Lepidoptera Indica by Frederic Moore.

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Mary Fitch

First Name Mary
Last Name Fitch
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Ashbel P. Fitch

First Name Ashbel
Born on October 8, 1848
Died on May 4, 1904 (aged 55)

Ashbel Parmelee Fitch was an American lawyer, financier, and politician. He was a four-term Congressman and a one-term city comptroller.

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Jason Fitch

First Name Jason
Last Name Fitch
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Ezra Fitch

First Name Ezra
Last Name Fitch
Born on September 21, 1865
Died on June 16, 1930 (aged 64)

Ezra Hasbrouck Fitch was the co-founder of the modern lifestyle brand Abercrombie & Fitch and is attributed with the introduction of Mahjong to the United States.

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