John Nugent Fitch

John Nugent Fitch
John Nugent Fitch

John Nugent Fitch was a British botanical illustrator and lithographer, best known for his contribution of 528 plates to The Orchid Album, a landmark work of eleven volumes published between 1872 and 1897. Fitch was the nephew of botanical artist Walter Hood Fitch (1817–1892). Fitch also contributed to Curtis's Botanical Magazine from 1878, joining a select group of illustrators such as William Kilburn, James Sowerby, Sydenham Edwards, William Jackson Hooker and Walter Hood Fitch. Fitch also produced plates for Lepidoptera Indica by Frederic Moore.

From *,
General Info
Date of Birth
October 24th, 1840
Birth Place
United Kingdom, Scotland
Date of Death
January 11st, 1927
Died Aged
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