List of Famous people with last name Cristiani

Quirino Cristiani

First Name Quirino
Last Name Cristiani
Born on July 2, 1896
Died on August 2, 1984 (aged 88)
Born in Italy, Lombardy

Quirino Cristiani was an Italian-born Argentine animation director and cartoonist, responsible for the world's first two animated feature films as well as the first animated feature film with sound, even though the only copies of these two films were lost in a fire. He is also the first person to create animation solely using cardboard cutouts.

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Alfredo Cristiani

First Name Alfredo
Born on November 22, 1947 (age 76)

Alfredo Félix Cristiani Burkard is a Salvadorean politician who was President of El Salvador from 1989 to 1994.

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Hervé Cristiani

First Name Hervé
Last Name Cristiani
Born on November 8, 1947
Died on July 16, 2014 (aged 66)
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Gabriella Cristiani

First Name Gabriella
Born on May 21, 1949 (age 75)
Born in Italy, Apulia

Gabriella Cristiani is an Italian film editor with about twenty feature film credits. She has had a notable collaboration with director Bernardo Bertolucci. Early in her career she assisted editor Franco Arcalli on two of Bertolucci's films, Last Tango in Paris (1972) and 1900 (1976). Arcalli was the "supervising editor" on a 1977 film, Berlinguer, I Love You, that was one of Cristiani's first feature editing credits; the film was directed by Giuseppe Bertolucci - Bernardo's brother. Arcalli was to have edited Bernardo Bertolucci's next film, La Luna (1979), but he died during production; Cristiani, who was assisting, then took over as editor.

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Dhia Cristiani

First Name Dhia
Born on June 27, 1921
Died on July 16, 1977 (aged 56)
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