List of Famous people with last name Craven

John Craven

First Name John
Last Name Craven
Born on August 16, 1940 (age 84)

John Raymond Craven, is an English journalist and television presenter, best known for presenting the BBC programmes Newsround, Countryfile and Beat the Brain.

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Kyle Craven

First Name Kyle
Last Name Craven
Born on August 10, 1989 (age 35)

Kyle Craven, commonly known by his Internet nickname "Bad Luck Brian", is an American Internet celebrity known for his ubiquitous photo posted on Reddit in 2012, which quickly became a popular Internet meme.

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Jonathan Craven

First Name Jonathan
Last Name Craven
Born on March 20, 1965 (age 59)

Jonathan Craven is an American writer and director. He is the son of the late filmmaker Wes Craven and Bonnie Broecker. He co-wrote the horror sequel The Hills Have Eyes 2 and worked on the short-lived NBC horror series Nightmare Cafe. He manages the group the Chapin Sisters. He also co-produced the 2009 remake of The Last House on the Left, which is a remake of the 1972 version written, directed and edited by his father, Wes Craven.

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Philip Craven

First Name Philip
Last Name Craven
Born on July 4, 1950 (age 74)

Sir Philip Lee Craven is an English sports administrator, former Paralympic wheelchair basketball player, swimmer and track and field athlete. Between 2001 and 2017 he was the second president of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC).

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William Craven, 6th Earl of Craven

First Name William
Last Name Craven
Born on September 8, 1917
Died on January 27, 1965 (aged 47)

William Robert Bradley Craven, 6th Earl of Craven was a British peer.

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William Craven, 5th Earl of Craven

First Name William
Last Name Craven
Born on July 31, 1897
Died on September 15, 1932 (aged 35)

William George Bradley Craven, 5th Earl of Craven was a British peer.

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Dan Craven

First Name Dan
Last Name Craven
Born on February 1, 1983 (age 42)
Height 184 cm | 6'0

Dan Craven is a Namibian racing cyclist, who last rode for Namibian amateur team NCCS Cycling Team. He is the grandson of Danie Craven, the South African rugby union icon.

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Matt Craven

First Name Matt
Last Name Craven
Born on November 10, 1956 (age 68)
Born in Canada, Ontario

Matthew John Crnkovich, known as Matt Craven, is a Canadian actor. He has appeared in over 40 films including Happy Birthday to Me, Jacob's Ladder, K2, A Few Good Men, The Juror, Assault on Precinct 13, Disturbia, Tempting Fate and X-Men: First Class.

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William Anthony Hubert Craven

First Name William
Last Name Craven
Born on January 25, 1904
Died on December 19, 1929 (aged 25)
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Rupert Craven

First Name Rupert
Last Name Craven
Born on March 22, 1926 (age 98)
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