List of Famous people with last name Carrick

Michael Carrick

First Name Michael
Last Name Carrick
Born on July 28, 1981 (age 42)
Height 188 cm | 6'2

Michael Carrick is an English professional football coach and former player who is currently working as a first-team coach at Manchester United. He is one of the most decorated English footballers of all time and is best known for his 12-year playing career with Manchester United, whom he also captained. Carrick was a central midfielder, but he was used as an emergency centre-back under Alex Ferguson, David Moyes and Louis van Gaal. His playing style was grounded in his passing ability.

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Donnchadh, Earl of Carrick

First Name Donnchadh,
Born on January 1, 1200
Died on June 13, 1250 (aged 50)

Donnchadh was a Gall-Gaidhil prince and Scottish magnate in what is now south-western Scotland, whose career stretched from the last quarter of the 12th century until his death in 1250. His father, Gille-Brighde of Galloway, and his uncle, Uhtred of Galloway, were the two rival sons of Fergus, Prince or Lord of Galloway. As a result of Gille-Brighde's conflict with Uhtred and the Scottish monarch William the Lion, Donnchadh became a hostage of King Henry II of England. He probably remained in England for almost a decade before returning north on the death of his father. Although denied succession to all the lands of Galloway, he was granted lordship over Carrick in the north.

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John Carrick

First Name John
Last Name Carrick
Born on September 4, 1918
Died on May 18, 2018 (aged 99)

Sir John Leslie Carrick, was an Australian politician who served as a Senator for New South Wales from 1971 to 1987, representing the Liberal Party. He was a minister for the duration of the Fraser Government, holding several different portfolios.

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Marjorie, Countess of Carrick

First Name Marjorie,
Born on January 1, 1256
Died on January 1, 1292 (aged 36)

Marjorie of Carrick was Countess of Carrick, Scotland, from 1256 to 1292, and is notable as the mother of Robert the Bruce.

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Joan FitzGerald, Countess of Carrick

First Name Joan
Last Name Carrick
Born on November 30, 1281
Died on May 2, 1320 (aged 38)

Joan Butler, Countess of Carrick was an Irish noblewoman, and the wife of Edmund Butler, Earl of Carrick, Justiciar of Ireland. She was the mother of James Butler, 1st Earl of Ormond.

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Charles Ernest Alfred French Somerset Butler, 7th Earl of Carrick

First Name Charles
Last Name Carrick
Born on November 15, 1873
Died on November 2, 1931 (aged 57)
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Somerset Butler, 3rd Earl of Carrick

First Name Somerset
Last Name Carrick
Born on September 28, 1779
Died on February 4, 1838 (aged 58)

Somerset Richard Butler, 3rd Earl of Carrick was the son of Henry Thomas Butler, 2nd Earl of Carrick and Sarah Taylor. He succeeded to the title of 3rd Earl of Carrick and 10th Viscount Ikerrin upon his father's death on 20 July 1813. He was married twice, first on 1 September 1811 to Anne Wynne, daughter of Owen Wynne and Lady Sarah Cole. They had two children. He married secondly on 12 February 1833 Lucy French, third daughter of Arthur French, Esquire. They had three children.

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Mary Carrick

First Name Mary
Last Name Carrick
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David Butler, 10th Earl of Carrick

First Name David
Last Name Carrick
Born on January 9, 1953
Died on January 8, 2008 (aged 54)
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William Cunynghame, 1st and last Earl of Carrick

First Name William
Last Name Carrick
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