List of Famous people named Donnchadh

Similar names: Donnchad. Here are some famous Donnchadhs:

Donnchadh, Earl of Carrick

First Name Donnchadh,
Born on January 1, 1200
Died on June 13, 1250 (aged 50)

Donnchadh was a Gall-Gaidhil prince and Scottish magnate in what is now south-western Scotland, whose career stretched from the last quarter of the 12th century until his death in 1250. His father, Gille-Brighde of Galloway, and his uncle, Uhtred of Galloway, were the two rival sons of Fergus, Prince or Lord of Galloway. As a result of Gille-Brighde's conflict with Uhtred and the Scottish monarch William the Lion, Donnchadh became a hostage of King Henry II of England. He probably remained in England for almost a decade before returning north on the death of his father. Although denied succession to all the lands of Galloway, he was granted lordship over Carrick in the north.

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Donnchadh III, Earl of Fife

First Name Donnchadh
Born on November 30, 1261
Died on November 30, 1288 (aged 27)

Donnchadh III or Duncan was Earl of Fife from 1270/2 to 1288.

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Donnchadh of Argyll

First Name Donnchadh
Born on November 30, 1174
Died on January 1, 1247 (aged 72)

Donnchadh of Argyll or Donnchadh mac Dubhghaill was a late 12th and early 13th century Scottish noble. He was the son of Dubhghall mac Somhairle, son of Somhairle mac Gille Bhrighde. He is the first of the MacDougall lords of Argyll to take the title de Argadia, and can be regarded as the founder of the successful MacDougall lordship of Argyll. He was also a prominent builder, notable for his construction of Ardchattan Priory and Dunstaffnage Castle.

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Donnchadh, Earl of Lennox

First Name Donnchadh,
Died on May 24, 1425

Donnchadh of Lennox was the Mormaer of Lennox, 1385–1425. He was a son of Baltar mac Amlaimh and Margaret, daughter of Domhnall, Earl of Lennox.

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Donnchadh Mac Gregor

First Name Donnchadh
Born on April 18, 1914
Died on January 1, 1974 (aged 59)
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Donnchadh Mór Ó Dálaigh

First Name Donnchadh
Born on November 30, 1174
Died on November 30, 1243 (aged 69)
Born in Ireland, Leinster

Donnchadh Mór Ó Dálaigh was a celebrated Irish poet, and master of the Irish classical style called Dán Díreach, who died in 1244. Mor is the Irish word for "great".

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Donnchadh O'Brien

First Name Donnchadh
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