List of Famous people with last name Brando

Marlon Brando

Marlon Brando Junior
First Name Marlon
Last Name Brando
Born on April 3, 1924
Died on July 1, 2004 (aged 80)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Marlon Brando Jr. was an American actor and film director with a career spanning 60 years, during which he won the Academy Award for Best Actor twice. He is well-regarded for his cultural influence on 20th-century film. Brando was also an activist for many causes, notably the civil rights movement and various Native American movements. Having studied with Stella Adler in the 1940s, he is credited with being one of the first actors to bring the Stanislavski system of acting and method acting, derived from the Stanislavski system, to mainstream audiences.

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Christian Brando

First Name Christian
Last Name Brando
Born on May 11, 1958
Died on January 26, 2008 (aged 49)

Christian Devi Brando was an American actor who was one of the eleven children of actor Marlon Brando, and the only one Brando had with actress Anna Kashfi.

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Cheyenne Brando

First Name Cheyenne
Born on February 20, 1970
Died on April 16, 1995 (aged 25)
Born in France

Tarita Cheyenne Brando was a French model and the daughter of Marlon Brando by his third wife Tarita Teriipaia, a former French actress from French Polynesia whom he met while filming Mutiny on the Bounty in 1962.

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Luisina Brando

First Name Luisina
Born on December 10, 1945 (age 79)
Born in Argentina

Luisina Brando is an Argentine actress.

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Jocelyn Brando

First Name Jocelyn
Last Name Brando
Born on November 18, 1919
Died on November 27, 2005 (aged 86)

Jocelyn Brando was an American actress and writer. She is best known for her role as Katie Bannion in the film noir The Big Heat (1953).

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Miko Castaneda Brando

First Name Miko
Last Name Brando
Born on February 26, 1961 (age 63)
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Rebecca Brando

First Name Rebecca
Born on November 30, 1965 (age 59)
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Simon Teihotu Brando

First Name Simon
Last Name Brando
Born on May 30, 1963 (age 61)
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Dodie Brando

First Name Dodie
Born on February 7, 1897
Died on August 16, 1954 (aged 57)
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