List of Famous people with last name Arago

Étienne Arago

Étienne Vincent Arago
First Name Étienne
Last Name Arago
Born on February 9, 1802
Died on March 6, 1892 (aged 90)
Born in France, Occitania

Étienne Vincent Arago was a French writer and politician, and co-founder of the newspaper Le Figaro.

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François Arago

Dominique François Jean Arago Roig
First Name François
Last Name Arago
Died on October 2, 1853
Born in France, Occitania

Dominique François Jean Arago, known simply as François Arago, was a French mathematician, physicist, astronomer, freemason, supporter of the carbonari and politician.

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Marie Arago

Marie Anne Agathe Roig
First Name Marie
Last Name Arago
Born on November 3, 1755
Died on September 5, 1845 (aged 89)
Born in France, Occitania

Marie Arago, born Marie-Anne Roig was a French woman, wife of François Bonaventure Arago and mother of François, Jean, Jacques, Victor, Joseph and Étienne Arago. She raised her eight children alone after the death of her husband in 1814, passed on her human values and encouraged them to pursue their studies. An "Arago clan" was formed around her eldest son, François, at the Paris Observatory, including Claude-Louis Mathieu, Alexander von Humboldt and Félix Savary.

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François Bonaventure Arago

François Bonaventure Raymond Arago
First Name François
Last Name Arago
Born on January 30, 1754
Died on December 24, 1814 (aged 60)
Born in France, Occitania
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Jean Arago

Jean Martin Arago
First Name Jean
Last Name Arago
Born on May 25, 1788
Died on July 9, 1836 (aged 48)
Born in France, Occitania
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Joseph Arago

Joseph Honoré Arago
First Name Joseph
Last Name Arago
Born on June 2, 1796
Died on September 19, 1860 (aged 64)
Born in France, Occitania
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Victor Arago

Pierre Jean Victor Arago
First Name Victor
Last Name Arago
Born on April 8, 1792
Died on April 11, 1867 (aged 75)
Born in France, Occitania
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Jacques Arago

First Name Jacques
Last Name Arago
Died on November 27, 1855
Born in France, Occitania

Jacques Étienne Victor Arago was a French writer, artist and explorer, author of a Voyage Round the World.

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Emmanuel Arago

François Victor Emmanuel Arago
First Name Emmanuel
Last Name Arago
Born on August 6, 1812
Died on November 26, 1896 (aged 84)

Emmanuel Arago was a French politician of the French Second Republic, Second French Empire and French Third Republic. He was the son of François Arago. He was a member of the 1848 Constituent Assembly and the National Assembly of 1871. He was a deputy for Pyrénées-Orientales and la Seine (1869–1870) and senator for Pyrénées-Orientales (1876–1896). He served as minister of the interior and minister of justice in the Government of France. He was ambassador of France to Switzerland.

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Pierre Jean François Arago

First Name Pierre
Last Name Arago
Born on January 10, 1862
Died on March 8, 1937 (aged 75)
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