List of Famous people born in Yunnan, People's Republic of China

Tong Yao

First Name Tong
Last Name Yao
Born on August 11, 1985 (age 39)

Tong Yao is a Chinese actress, best known in film for portraying Chen Shu in A Big Deal (2011), May in Snowfall in Taipei (2012) and Annie Yang in To Love Somebody (2014), and has received critical acclaim for her television work, particularly as Meng Xizi in Militia Ge Erdan (2012) and Zhou Xiaobei in Three Bosom Girls (2014).

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Yang Rong

First Name Yang
Last Name Rong
Born on June 3, 1981 (age 43)

Yang Rong is a Chinese actress of Bai origin. She is best known for her roles in Cosmetology High and Memory Lost.

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Jessie Li

First Name Jessie
Born on December 5, 1992 (age 32)

Jessie Li, known professionally as Chun Xia, is a Chinese actress. She is best known for starring in Port of Call (2015), which earned her a Hong Kong Film Award for Best Actress.

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Wang Xiji

First Name Wang
Last Name Xiji
Born on July 26, 1921 (age 103)

Wang Xiji is a Chinese aerospace engineer. The chief designer of China's first sounding rocket (T-7), first space launch vehicle and first recoverable satellites, he was awarded the Two Bombs, One Satellite Meritorious Medal in 1999. He is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the International Academy of Astronautics, and was inducted into the International Astronautical Federation Hall of Fame in 2016. Wang turned 100 in July 2021.

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Chen Changwen

First Name Chen
Last Name Changwen
Born on November 30, 1943 (age 81)

Chen Changwen is a Chinese politician and lawyer who was the secretary of the Straits Exchange Foundation and the president of the Red Cross Society of the Republic of China. Chen was chairman and chief executive officer of Lee and Li, one of Taiwan's largest law firms, and currently serves as senior partner.

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Li Guyi

First Name Li
Last Name Guyi
Born on November 4, 1944 (age 80)

Li Guyi is a Chinese singer and dancer. Li rose to fame after singing Homeland Love (乡恋), a mellow love ballad written by Ma Jinghua and Zhang Peiji, in 1980, the year of China's reform and opening-up.

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Nie Er

First Name Nie
Last Name Er
Born on February 15, 1912
Died on July 17, 1935 (aged 23)

Nie Er, born Nie Shouxin, courtesy name Ziyi, was a Chinese composer best known for "March of the Volunteers", the national anthem of China. In numerous Shanghai magazines, he went by the English name George Njal, after a character in Njal's Saga.

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Annabel Yao

First Name Annabel
Born on January 14, 1998 (age 27)
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Frank Shu

First Name Frank
Last Name Shu
Born on June 2, 1943 (age 81)

Frank H. Shu, is an American astrophysicist, astronomer and author. He is currently a university professor emeritus of astronomy at the University of California, Berkeley and University of California, San Diego.

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Chen Ding

First Name Chen
Last Name Ding
Born on August 5, 1992 (age 32)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Chen Ding is a Chinese racewalker who won a gold medal in the 2012 Summer Olympics in London, United Kingdom. He finished the race in 1:18:46, a new Olympic record.

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