List of Famous people born in South Sudan

Thon Maker

First Name Thon
Last Name Maker
Born on February 25, 1997 (age 27)
Height 216 cm | 7'1

Thon Marial Maker is a South Sudanese Australian professional basketball player. He attended high school at Orangeville District Secondary School and played basketball for Canada's Athlete Institute. Coming out of high school, Maker was considered a five-star recruit by most basketball recruiting services.

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Luol Deng

Luol Ajou Deng is a South Sudanese-British former professional basketball player. He is the current president of South Sudan Basketball Federation. Luol is also currently serving as the coach for South Sudan Basketball men's team coach. He was a two-time NBA All-Star and was named to the NBA All-Defensive Second Team in 2012. Born in what is now South Sudan, Deng fled the country with his family as a child, eventually settling in the United Kingdom. He became a British citizen in 2006, and has played for the Great Britain national team.

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Salva Kiir Mayardit

First Name Salva
Last Name Mayardit
Born on September 13, 1951 (age 72)
Born in South Sudan

Salva Kiir Mayardit, also known as Salva Kiir, is a South Sudanese politician who has been President of South Sudan since its independence in 2011. Prior to independence, he was President of the Government of Southern Sudan, as well as First Vice President of Sudan, from 2005 to 2011. He was named Commander-in-Chief of the Sudan People's Liberation Army (SPLA) in 2005, following the death of John Garang.

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Rebecca Nyandeng De Mabior

First Name Rebecca
Born on November 30, 1955 (age 68)
Born in South Sudan, Jonglei

Rebecca Nyandeng of Mabior is a South Sudanese politician. She has been one of the Vice Presidents of South Sudan in the unity government since February 2020. She served as the Minister of Roads and Transport for the autonomous government of Southern Sudan, and as an advisor for the President of South Sudan on gender and human rights from 2007 to 2014. She is the widow of Dr. John Garang de Mabior, the late first Vice President of Sudan and the President of the Government of South Sudan, and the mother of Akuol de Mabior. She is from the Dinka tribe of Twic East County of South Sudan.

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Paulino Lukudu Loro

First Name Paulino
Last Name Loro
Born on August 23, 1940
Died on April 5, 2021 (aged 80)

Paulino Lukudu Loro was the archbishop of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Juba, South Sudan, from 1983 to 2019.

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