List of Famous people born in Western Bahr el Ghazal, South Sudan

Thon Maker

First Name Thon
Last Name Maker
Born on February 25, 1997 (age 27)
Height 216 cm | 7'1

Thon Marial Maker is a South Sudanese Australian professional basketball player. He attended high school at Orangeville District Secondary School and played basketball for Canada's Athlete Institute. Coming out of high school, Maker was considered a five-star recruit by most basketball recruiting services.

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Luol Deng

Luol Ajou Deng is a South Sudanese-British former professional basketball player. He is the current president of South Sudan Basketball Federation. Luol is also currently serving as the coach for South Sudan Basketball men's team coach. He was a two-time NBA All-Star and was named to the NBA All-Defensive Second Team in 2012. Born in what is now South Sudan, Deng fled the country with his family as a child, eventually settling in the United Kingdom. He became a British citizen in 2006, and has played for the Great Britain national team.

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