List of Famous people born in Seychelles

James Michel

James Alix Michel
First Name James
Last Name Michel
Born on August 16, 1944 (age 79)
Born in Seychelles

James Alix Michel, GCSK is a Seychellois politician who was President of Seychelles from 2004 to 2016. He previously served as Vice-President under his predecessor, France-Albert René, from 1996 to 2004. Michel was initially a teacher, but later he became involved in the archipelago's booming tourism industry and joined René's political party before independence in 1976.

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Steve Malcouzane

First Name Steve
Last Name Malcouzane
Born on June 21, 1982 (age 42)
Born in Seychelles

Steve Hansley Malcouzanne is a Seychellois badminton player. He competed at the 2006, 2010, 2014, and 2018 Commonwealth Games. He was the Seychelles flag bearer during the 2010 Commonwealth Games opening ceremony in New Delhi, India. He was named 2009 Sportsman of the Year at the Seychelles Sports Awards.

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Georgie Cupidon

First Name Georgie
Born on November 10, 1981 (age 42)
Born in Seychelles
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Georgie Winsley Cupidon is a badminton player from Seychelles. He competed in badminton at the 2008 Summer Olympics in the mixed doubles with Juliette Ah-Wan and they were defeated in the first round by Robert Mateusiak and Nadiezda Kostiuczyk. He carried the national flag at the 2008 Summer Olympics opening ceremony. Together with Ah-Wan, he won the gold medals at the 2006 and 2007 African Championships, also at the 2007 All-Africa Games. He competed in four consecutive Commonwealth Games from 2002 to 2014.

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Dominic Dugasse

First Name Dominic
Last Name Dugasse
Born on April 19, 1985 (age 39)
Born in Seychelles

Dominic Dugasse is a Seychellois judoka who competed in the -100 kg event at 2012 Summer Olympics where he lost in the first round of the event to Henk Grol. He was the flag bearer for the Seychelles during the 2012 Summer Olympics opening ceremony.

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Alisen Camille

First Name Alisen
Born on June 26, 1992 (age 32)
Born in Seychelles

Allisen Camille is a Seychellois badminton player. Camille competed at the 2010, 2014, and 2018 Commonwealth Games. She won two silvers and a bronze at the 2011 All-Africa Games in the women's doubles, mixed doubles, and team event respectively. Partnered with Juliette Ah-Wan, they secured the women's doubles gold medal at the 2015 All-Africa Games.

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Juliette Ah-Wan

First Name Juliette
Born on April 29, 1981 (age 43)
Born in Seychelles
Height 155 cm | 5'1

Juliette Chantal Ah-Wan is a badminton player from Seychelles. Born in Victoria, Seychelles, Ah-Wan debuted in 1995 at the age 0f 14. In 2007, she awarded as Sportslady of the Year. Ah-Wan has competed in some international tournament, including 2008 Summer Olympics, and Commonwealth Games from 2002–2018.

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