List of Famous people born in Lublin province, Poland

Horst Köhler

First Name Horst
Last Name Köhler
Born on February 22, 1943 (age 81)

Horst Köhler is a German politician of the Christian Democratic Union, and served as President of Germany from 2004 to 2010. As the candidate of the two Christian Democratic sister parties, the CDU and the CSU, and the liberal FDP, Köhler was elected to his first five-year term by the Federal Assembly on 23 May 2004 and was subsequently inaugurated on 1 July 2004. He was reelected to a second term on 23 May 2009. Just a year later, on 31 May 2010, he resigned from his office in a controversy over his comment on the role of the German Bundeswehr in light of a visit to the troops in Afghanistan. During his tenure as German President, whose office is mostly concerned with ceremonial matters, Köhler was a highly popular politician, with approval rates above those of both chancellor Gerhard Schröder and later chancellor Angela Merkel.

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Alter Mojze Goldman

First Name Alter
Last Name Goldman
Born on November 17, 1909
Died on November 30, 1988 (aged 79)

Alter Mojze Goldman was a Polish Jew who was active in the French Résistance during World War II.

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Peter Malkin

First Name Peter
Last Name Malkin
Born on May 27, 1927
Died on March 1, 2005 (aged 77)

Peter Zvi Malkin was an Israeli secret agent and member of the Mossad intelligence agency. He was part of the team that captured Adolf Eichmann in Argentina in 1960 and brought him to Israel to stand trial.

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Michał Oleksiejczuk

First Name Michał
Last Name Oleksiejczuk
Born on February 22, 1995 (age 29)
Height 184 cm | 6'0

Michał Oleksiejczuk is a Polish mixed martial artist. A professional competitor since 2014, he was the former Thunderstrike Fight League Light heavyweight champion in Poland. He currently competes in the Light heavyweight division of the Ultimate Fighting Championship.

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Ida Haendel

First Name Ida
Last Name Haendel
Born on December 15, 1928
Died on June 30, 2020 (aged 91)

Ida Haendel, was a Polish-British-Canadian violinist. Haendel was a child prodigy, her career spanning over seven decades. She also became an influential teacher.

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Wojciech Jaruzelski

First Name Wojciech
Born on July 6, 1923
Died on May 25, 2014 (aged 90)

Wojciech Witold Jaruzelski was a Polish military officer, politician and de facto dictator of the People's Republic of Poland from 1981 until 1989. He was the First Secretary of the Polish United Workers' Party between 1981 and 1989, making him the last leader of the Polish People's Republic. Jaruzelski served as Prime Minister from 1981 to 1985, the Chairman of the Council of State from 1985 to 1989 and briefly as President of Poland from 1989 to 1990, when the office of President was restored after 37 years. He was also the last commander-in-chief of the Polish People's Army, which in 1990 became the Polish Armed Forces.

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Larisa Reisner

First Name Larisa
Died on February 9, 1926

Larissa Mikhailovna Reissner was a Russian writer and revolutionary. She is best known for her leadership roles on the side of the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War that followed the October Revolution and for her friendships with several of the Russian poets of the early 20th century.

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Philip Bialowitz

First Name Philip
Last Name Bialowitz
Died on August 6, 2016 (aged 46)

Philip Bialowitz was a Polish Holocaust survivor and resistance fighter.

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Thomas Blatt

First Name Thomas
Last Name Blatt
Born on April 15, 1927
Died on October 31, 2015 (aged 88)

Thomas "Toivi" Blatt was a Jewish-American Holocaust survivor, writer of mémoires, and public speaker, who at the age of 16 escaped from the Sobibór extermination camp during the uprising staged by the Jewish prisoners in October 1943. The escape was attempted by about 300 inmates, many of whom were recaptured and killed by the German search squads. Following World War II Blatt lived in the Soviet-controlled Poland until the Polish October revolution. In 1957, he emigrated to Israel, and in 1958 settled in the United States.

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Mykhailo Hrushevskyi

First Name Mykhailo
Born on September 29, 1866
Died on November 26, 1934 (aged 68)

Mykhailo Serhiyovych Hrushevsky was a Ukrainian academician, politician, historian and statesman who was one of the most important figures of the Ukrainian national revival of the early 20th century. He is often considered the country's greatest modern historian, the foremost organiser of scholarship, the leader of the pre-revolution Ukrainian national movement, the head of the Central Rada, and a leading cultural figure in the Ukrainian SSR during the 1920s.

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