List of Famous people born in Béni Mellal-Khénifra, Morocco

Abde Ezzalzouli

Abdessamad "Abde" Ezzalzouli is a Moroccan professional footballer who plays as a winger for Spanish team Barcelona B.

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Born on January 6, 1986 (age 38)

Jannat Mahid, known by her stage name Jannat, is a Moroccan singer. Born in Morocco and presently living in Egypt, Jannat sings in Egyptian Arabic.

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Adam Masina

First Name Adam
Last Name Masina
Born on January 2, 1994 (age 30)
Height 191 cm | 6'3

Adam Masina is a Moroccan professional footballer who plays as a defender for Championship club Watford and the Morocco national team.

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Lahcen Daoudi

First Name Lahcen
Born on May 5, 1947 (age 77)

Lahcen Daoudi is a Moroccan politician of the Justice and Development Party. Since 3 January 2012, he holds the position of Minister of "Higher Education and Scientific Research" in Abdelilah Benkirane's government.

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Lalla Latifa

First Name Lalla
Born on January 1, 1945 (age 79)

Princess Lalla Latifa Amahzoune is the widow of King Hassan II and the mother of Princess Lalla Meryem, King Mohammed VI, Princess Lalla Asma, Princess Lalla Hasna and Prince Moulay Rachid. She is referred to using terms such as "mother of the royal children". The privacy accorded to her in Morocco is so great that attempts to publish photos of her in the Moroccan newspaper Al Ayam were found to violate Moroccan law.

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Hindi Zahra

First Name Hindi
Last Name Zahra
Born on January 20, 1979 (age 45)

Hindi Zahra is a Moroccan singer and actress. When coming up with a stage name, she simply inverted her birth name. Her songs are mostly in English but some lyrics as in the song "Imik Si Mik" are in the Berber language.

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Mustapha Bakkoury

First Name Mustapha
Last Name Bakkoury
Born on December 20, 1964 (age 59)

Mustapha Bakkoury is a Moroccan businessman, engineer and politician. He is chairman of the board of the Moroccan Solar Energy Agency and the council president of the Casablanca-Settat region. He was born in Mohammedia, but is a native of Taounate.

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Jawad El Yamiq

First Name Jawad
Last Name Yamiq
Born on February 29, 1992 (age 32)
Height 190 cm | 6'3

Jawad El Yamiq is a Moroccan professional footballer who plays for Spanish club Real Valladolid as a centre-back.

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Habib El Malki

First Name Habib
Last Name Malki
Born on May 15, 1946 (age 78)

Habib El Malki is a Moroccan politician of the Socialist Union of Popular Forces party. He was Minister of Education in the cabinet of Driss Jettou (2002–2007) and Minister of Agriculture in the first cabinet of Abderrahman el-Yousfi (1998–2000). He is a professor of Economics at the University of Mohammad V. He is a receiver of the "Grande médaille de la francophonie", an award from the Académie Française, which he obtained in 1993.

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Mohamed Cherkaoui

First Name Mohamed
Last Name Cherkaoui
Born on November 30, 1920 (age 103)
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