List of Famous people born in Belize

Dean Barrow

First Name Dean
Last Name Barrow
Born on March 2, 1951 (age 73)

Dean Oliver Barrow, SC PC is a Belizean politician who served as prime minister of Belize from 2008 until 2020. Also serving as the leader of the United Democratic Party (UDP). An attorney by profession, he served as Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs from 1993 to 1998 and was Leader of the Opposition from 1998 until the UDP won the February 2008 election. Barrow started his first term as Prime Minister after victory in the 2008 election. He started his second term after the UDP again won an election on 7 March 2012. He started his third term when the UDP won again on 4 November 2015.

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Colville Young

First Name Colville
Last Name Young
Born on November 20, 1932 (age 91)

Sir Colville Norbert Young is the governor-general of Belize and also patron of the Scout Association of Belize. He was appointed as the governor-general in 1993, taking office on 17 November of that year, and was knighted in 1994.

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Manuel Esquivel

First Name Manuel
Last Name Esquivel
Born on May 2, 1940 (age 84)

Sir Manuel Amadeo Esquivel, KCMG, PC is a Belizean politician. As leader of the United Democratic Party, he served as Prime Minister from 1984 to 1989, and then again from 1993 to 1998.

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Deon McCaulay

First Name Deon
Last Name McCaulay
Born on September 20, 1987 (age 36)
Height 176 cm | 5'9

Deon McCaulay is a Belizean international footballer who plays as a forward for Georgia Revolution FC in the National Premier Soccer League.

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Born on November 8, 1978 (age 45)

Moses Michael Levi Barrow, better known by his stage name Shyne, is a Belizean rapper and politician. Barrow was born in Belize but moved to New York City as a child and began to rap thereafter. He is perhaps best known for his 2000 singles "Bad Boyz" and "Bonnie & Shyne". He also wrote and performed on many multi-platinum albums such as Usher's "Confessions", Lil Wayne's "Carter IV", Notorious B.I.G's "Born Again", Mase's "Double Up" and Puff Daddy's "Forever" among other top selling albums during his tenure with his former label Bad Boy Records and Def Jam Recordings.

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Said Musa

First Name Said
Last Name Musa
Born on March 19, 1944 (age 80)

Said Wilbert Musa is a Belizean lawyer and politician. He was the Prime Minister of Belize from 28 August 1998 to 8 February 2008.

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