Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling
Ryan Gosling

Ryan Thomas Gosling is a Canadian actor and musician. He began his career as a child star on the Disney Channel's The Mickey Mouse Club (1993–1995), and went on to appear in other family entertainment programs, including Are You Afraid of the Dark? (1995) and Goosebumps (1996). His first starring film role was as a Jewish neo-Nazi in The Believer (2001), and he went on to star in several independent films, including Murder by Numbers (2002), The Slaughter Rule (2002), and The United States of Leland (2003).

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General Info
Date of Birth
November 12nd, 1980
Birth Place
Canada, Ontario
Star Sign
184 cm | 6'0
Social Networks , Links
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Directed works
Driver in Drive
Sebastian in La La Land
Noah in The Notebook
Jared Vennett in The Big Short
Holland March in The Nice Guys
Dean in Blue Valentine
Sgt. Jerry Wooters in Gangster Squad
Neil Armstrong in First Man
Willy Beachum in Fracture
Stephen Meyers in The Ides of March
Lars Lindstrom in Lars and the Real Girl
Julian in Only God Forgives
Dan Dunne in Half Nelson
Henry Letham in Stay
David Marks in All Good Things
Richard Haywood in Murder by Numbers
Danny Balint in The Believer
BV in Song to Song
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