List of Famous people named Violeta

Similar names: Violet, Violetta, Violette, Violett. Here are some famous Violetas:

Violeta Parra chipapija

Violeta del Carmen Parra Sandoval
First Name Violeta
Born on October 4, 1917
Died on February 5, 1967 (aged 49)

Violeta del Carmen Parra Sandoval was a Chilean composer, singer-songwriter, folklorist, ethnomusicologist and visual artist. She pioneered the Nueva Canción Chilena, a renewal and a reinvention of Chilean folk music that would extend its sphere of influence outside Chile. Parra is acknowledged as "the Mother of Latin American folk".

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Violeta Isfel

First Name Violeta
Born on June 11, 1985 (age 39)
Born in Mexico

Violeta Isfel, is a Mexican actress and singer. She played Antonella in the telenovela Atrévete a soñar, and has performed in further telenovelas such as Lola, érase una vez, Peregrina, Las tontas no van al cielo, and Una familia con suerte. She currently played Nayeli Campos in the popular telenovela Yo no creo en los hombres.

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Violeta Barrios

First Name Violeta
Born on October 18, 1929 (age 95)

Violeta Chamorro is a Nicaraguan politician who served as President of Nicaragua from 1990 to 1997. She was the first and, to date, only woman to hold the position of president in Nicaragua.

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Violeta Vidaurre

First Name Violeta
Born on June 1, 1928
Died on June 1, 2021 (aged 93)

Violeta Rosa Ester Vidaurre Heiremans, better known as Violeta Vidaurre, is a Chilean actress with a long television and theater career, with more than 120 characters played since her debut.

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Violeta Urtizberea

First Name Violeta
Born on February 19, 1985 (age 40)
Born in Argentina

Violeta Urtizberea born is an Argentine actress. She worked once again with her father in the 2012 telenovela Graduados.

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Violeta Bermúdez

First Name Violeta
Born on August 12, 1961 (age 63)

Violeta Bermúdez Valdivia is a Peruvian lawyer, writer and diplomat. On 18 November 2020, Bermúdez became the Prime Minister of Peru. Previously, she held posts in the United States Agency for International Development and worked during the cabinets of President Alejandro Toledo and Prime Minister Beatriz Merino.

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Violeta G. Ivanova

First Name Violeta
Born on January 1, 2000 (age 25)

Violeta Ivanova is a Bulgarian astronomer.

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