List of Famous people named Theophile

Similar names: Theophil, Teofil, Teofilo, Teofila, Theophila, Teofilia, Theophyle. Here are some famous Theophiles:

Théophile Gautier

Jules Pierre Théophile Gautier
First Name Théophile
Died on October 23, 1872
Born in France, Occitania

Pierre Jules Théophile Gautier was a French poet, dramatist, novelist, journalist, and art and literary critic.

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Théophile Vauchelet

First Name Théophile
Born on February 24, 1802
Died on April 22, 1873 (aged 71)
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Théophile Funck-Brentano

Théophile Jean-Baptiste Funck
First Name Théophile
Born on August 21, 1830
Died on January 23, 1906 (aged 75)
Born in Luxembourg

Théophile Funck-Brentano was a Luxembourgian-French sociologist.

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Théophile Deyrolle

First Name Théophile
Born on December 16, 1844
Died on December 14, 1923 (aged 78)

Théophile-Louis Deyrolle was a French painter, illustrator and ceramicist.

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Théophile Gautier, fils

First Name Théophile
Born on November 29, 1836
Died on June 16, 1904 (aged 67)

Théophile Charles Marie Gautier was a French scholar, translator and administrator. He was the son of the writer Théophile Gautier and his mistress Eugénie Fort.

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Théophile Delcassé

First Name Théophile
Born on March 1, 1852
Died on February 22, 1923 (aged 70)
Born in France, Occitania

Théophile Delcassé was a French statesman and foreign minister 1898-1905. He is best known for his hatred of Germany and efforts to secure alliances with Russia and Great Britain that became the Entente Cordiale. He belonged to Radical party and was a protege of Léon Gambetta.

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Théophile Bidard

First Name Théophile
Born on March 11, 1804
Died on October 23, 1877 (aged 73)
Born in France, Brittany

Théophile Bidard was a French politician and law professor, although he might be most remembered as a principal witness for the prosecution against Hélène Jégado in 1851.

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Théophile de Bock

Théophile Emile Achille de Bock
First Name Théophile
Born on January 14, 1851
Died on November 22, 1904 (aged 53)

Théophile Emile Achille de Bock was a Dutch painter belonging to the Hague School. Although many denigrate De Bock's work as too gray and too sketchy, Hague School champions love his work. Even Van Gogh was convinced of De Bocks "artistic temperament", although he eventually found his choice of subject too limited and tried to get De Bock to paint figure studies. But De Bock stuck to the subject he was good at, the Dutch landscapes.

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Théophile Bra

Théophile-François-Marcel Bra
First Name Théophile
Born on June 23, 1797
Died on May 2, 1863 (aged 65)

Théophile François Marcel Bra was a French Romantic sculptor and exact contemporary of Eugène Delacroix. He was deeply involved in the Romantic era through his uncompromising personality and complex spirituality. His fantastical inspiration evokes the universes inhabited by Goya, William Blake or Victor Hugo - he was at one and the same time a Bonapartist and an anglophile, a passionate Christian disciple of Swedenborg and an admirer of Judaism, Hinduism and Buddhism.

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Théophile Steinlen

First Name Théophile
Died on December 14, 1923

Théophile Alexandre Steinlen, was a Swiss-born French Art Nouveau painter and printmaker.

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