List of Famous people named Stig

Similar names: Stieg. Here are some famous Stigs:

Stig Engström

Stig Folke Wilhelm Engström
First Name Stig
Born on February 26, 1934
Died on June 26, 2000 (aged 66)
Born in India

Stig Folke Wilhelm Engström was a Swedish graphic designer. Long treated by the police as an eyewitness of the assassination of prime minister Olof Palme, Engström was proposed as the assassin by Swedish writers Lars Larsson and, separately, Thomas Pettersson.

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Stig Anderson

Stig Erik Leopold Andersson
First Name Stig
Born on January 25, 1931
Died on September 12, 1997 (aged 66)

Stig Erik Leopold Anderson, better known as Stikkan Anderson, was a Swedish music manager, lyricist and music publisher. He was the co-founder of Polar Music, and is best known for managing the Swedish pop band ABBA.

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Stig Ingemar Traavik

First Name Stig
Born on December 19, 1967 (age 56)
Born in Norway, Rogaland
Height 172 cm | 5'8

Stig Ingemar Traavik is a Norwegian civil servant and diplomat. He is currently a Special Envoy for the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment. He has worked with venture capital and renewable energy in Southeast Asia.

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Stig Grybe

First Name Stig
Born on July 18, 1928
Died on February 1, 2017 (aged 88)

Stig Rudolf Grybe was a Swedish actor, comedian, writer and film director.

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Stig Tøfting

Stig Tøfting, commonly known as Tøffe, is a former Danish professional footballer and assistant coach, who most recently was the assistant of Erik Rasmussen at AGF.

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Stig Henrik Hoff

First Name Stig
Born on February 4, 1965 (age 59)

Stig Henrik Hoff is a Norwegian actor. He was born in Vadsø, but grew up in Berlevåg and Fiskum. His nickname is "hoffer´n".

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Stig Järrel

First Name Stig
Born on February 8, 1910
Died on July 1, 1998 (aged 88)

Stig Järrel was a Swedish actor, film director and revue artist. Järrel was one of the most popular actors in Sweden during his career, and also one of the most productive, participating in a total of 131 films. He also performed as an actor at various Swedish theatres and was a frequent guest on radio and television.

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Stig Olin

First Name Stig
Born on September 11, 1920
Died on June 28, 2008 (aged 87)

Stig Olin, né Högberg was a Swedish actor, theatre director, songwriter and singer. He was the father of actress Lena Olin and singer Mats Olin. He was married to film actresses Britta Holmberg and Helena Kallenbäck.

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Stig Claesson

First Name Stig
Born on June 2, 1928
Died on January 4, 2008 (aged 79)

John Stig Claesson, also known under his signature Slas, was a Swedish writer, visual artist, and illustrator. Claesson was born on 2 June 1928 in Huddinge, south of Stockholm. He attended the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts between 1947 and 1952, during which time he began to illustrate Swedish literature such as the novels of Per Anders Fogelström. Claesson is the father of actor Leif Claesson. His son, artist Nils Claesson, published a revealing portrait of his father in the book Blåbärsmaskinen which was much discussed in Sweden on its publication. Stig Claesson died on 4 January 2008 in Stockholm.

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Stig Larsson

Stig Håkan Larsson
First Name Stig
Born on July 20, 1955 (age 69)

Stig Håkan Larsson is a Swedish writer of novels, dramas, poetry, political essays and short stories, film writer, director and actor.

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