List of Famous people named Solomon

Similar names: Solomonia. Here are some famous Solomons:

Solomon Northup

First Name Solomon
Last Name Northup
Died on January 1, 1863

Solomon Northup was an American abolitionist and the primary author of the memoir Twelve Years a Slave. A free-born African American from New York, he was the son of a freed slave and a free woman of color. A farmer and a professional violinist, Northup had been a landowner in Hebron, New York. In 1841, he was offered a traveling musician's job and went to Washington, D.C. ; there he was drugged, kidnapped, and sold as a slave. He was shipped to New Orleans, purchased by a planter, and held as a slave for 12 years in the Red River region of Louisiana, mostly in Avoyelles Parish. He remained a slave until he met a Canadian working on his plantation who helped get word to New York, where state law provided aid to free New York citizens who had been kidnapped and sold into slavery. His family and friends enlisted the aid of the Governor of New York, Washington Hunt, and Northup regained his freedom on January 3, 1853.

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Solomon Linda

Solomon Ntsele
First Name Solomon
Last Name Linda
Born on December 8, 1909
Died on October 8, 1962 (aged 52)

Solomon Popoli Linda, also known as Solomon Ntsele, was a South African musician, singer and composer best known as the composer of the song "Mbube", which later became the popular music success "The Lion Sleeps Tonight", and gave its name to the Mbube style of isicathamiya a cappella later popularized by Ladysmith Black Mambazo.

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Solomon Thomas

Solomon Christopher Thomas is an American football defensive tackle for the San Francisco 49ers of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football at Stanford University, and was drafted by the 49ers with the third overall pick in the 2017 NFL Draft.

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Solomon in Islam

First Name Solomon
Last Name Islam

Sulaymān ibn Dāwūd was, according to the Quran, a Malik and Nabī (Prophet) of the Israelites. Islamic tradition generally holds that he was the third King of Jewish people, and wise ruler for the nation.

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Solomon Perel

First Name Solomon
Last Name Perel
Born on April 21, 1925 (age 99)

Solomon Perel is an Israeli author and motivational speaker. He was born to a German-Jewish family and escaped persecution by the Nazis by masquerading as an ethnic German. His life story is told in the 1990 film Europa Europa loosely based on his autobiography Ich war Hitlerjunge Salomon. He made several visits to schools to tell his story.

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Solomon Hill

Solomon Jamar Hill
First Name Solomon
Last Name Hill
Born on March 18, 1991 (age 33)
Height 201 cm | 6'7

Solomon Jamar Hill is an American professional basketball player for the Atlanta Hawks of the National Basketball Association (NBA). He played college basketball for the Arizona Wildcats.

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Solomon ibn Gabirol

First Name Solomon
Last Name Gabirol
Died on January 1, 1058
Born in Spain, Andalusia

Solomon ibn Gabirol was an 11th-century Andalusian poet and Jewish philosopher in the Neo-Platonic tradition. He published over a hundred poems, as well as works of biblical exegesis, philosophy, ethics and satire. One source credits ibn Gabirol with creating a golem, possibly female, for household chores.

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Solomon Yue, Jr.

First Name Solomon
Last Name Jr.
Born on May 7, 1959 (age 65)

Solomon Yue, Jr. is a Chinese American politician and businessperson. He is vice chairman and CEO of the lobbying group Republicans Overseas and the national committeeman of the Republican Party of Oregon.

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Solomon Volkov

Соломон Моисеевич Волков
First Name Solomon
Last Name Volkov
Born on April 17, 1944 (age 80)

Solomon Moiseyevich Volkov is a Russian Jewish journalist and musicologist. He is best known for Testimony, which was published in 1979 following his emigration from the Soviet Union in 1976. He claimed that the book was the memoir of Dmitri Shostakovich, as related to him by the composer.

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Solomon Marcus

First Name Solomon
Last Name Marcus
Born on March 1, 1925
Died on March 17, 2016 (aged 91)

Solomon Marcus was a Romanian mathematician, member of the Mathematical Section of the Romanian Academy and emeritus professor of the University of Bucharest's Faculty of Mathematics. His main research was in the fields of mathematical analysis, mathematical and computational linguistics and computer science, but he also published numerous papers on various cultural topics: poetics, linguistics, semiotics, philosophy and history of science and education.

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