List of Famous people named Rosalie

Similar names: Rosalia, Rosalio. Here are some famous Rosalies:

Rosalie Thomass

First Name Rosalie
Born on August 14, 1987 (age 37)
Born in Germany, Bavaria

Rosalie Thomass is a German actress. She has appeared in several television shows and films.

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Rosalie Varda

First Name Rosalie
Born on May 28, 1958 (age 66)

Rosalie Varda is a French costume designer, producer, writer and actress. She is perhaps best known for producing the documentary Faces Places, directed by and starring her mother Agnès Varda, for which she received an Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature nomination at the 90th Academy Awards in 2018.

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Rosalie Sorrels

First Name Rosalie
Born on June 24, 1933
Died on June 11, 2017 (aged 83)

Rosalie Sorrels was an American folk singer-songwriter. She began her public career as a singer and collector of traditional folksongs in the late 1950s. During the early 1960s she left her husband and began traveling and performing at music festivals and clubs throughout the United States. She and her five children traveled across the country as she worked to support her family and establish herself as a performer. Along the way she made many lifelong friends among the folk and beat scene. Her career of social activism, storytelling, teaching, learning, songwriting, collecting folk songs, performing, and recording spanned six decades.

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Rosalie Loveday Maunsell

First Name Rosalie
Born on March 24, 1930 (age 94)
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Rosalie van Breemen

First Name Rosalie
Born on August 2, 1966 (age 58)
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Rosalie von Gutmann

First Name Rosalie
Died on November 30, 1922
Born in Austria
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Rosalie von Rauch

First Name Rosalie
Born on August 29, 1820
Died on March 5, 1879 (aged 58)
Born in Germany

Rosalie von Rauch, was a German noblewoman and, since 1853, Countess of Hohenau.

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Rosalie Lane

First Name Rosalie
Born on January 1, 1946 (age 79)
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Rosalie Helen Sinclair

First Name Rosalie
Born on February 18, 1908
Died on December 14, 1986 (aged 78)
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Rosalie Crutchley

First Name Rosalie
Born on January 4, 1920
Died on July 28, 1997 (aged 77)

Rosalie Sylvia Crutchley was a British actress. Trained at the Royal Academy of Music, Crutchley was perhaps best known for her television performances, but had a long and successful career in theatre and films, making her stage debut as early as 1932, and her screen debut in 1947.

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