List of Famous people named Romy

Similar names: Romeo, Roma, Romi, Romee, Romo, Romie. Here are some famous Romys:

Romy Haag

Edouard Frans Verbaarsschott

Romy Haag is a Dutch dancer, singer, actress and former nightclub manager.

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Romy Rosemont

First Name Romy
Born on October 28, 1964 (age 60)
Height 161 cm | 5'3

Romy Rosemont is an American actress, who has appeared in multiple television series, including Shark, Grey's Anatomy, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation, Prison Break, and Private Practice. She got her break in 2010, playing Carole Hudson in the musical series Glee. Rosemont is married to fellow actor Stephen Root; the couple appeared on-screen together in a fourth-season episode of Fringe titled "And Those We've Left Behind".

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Romy Kermer

First Name Romy
Born on July 28, 1956 (age 68)
Born in Germany, Saxony
Height 164 cm | 5'5

Romy Kermer is a German figure skating coach and former competitive pair skater. With Rolf Oesterreich, she is the 1976 Olympic silver medalist.

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Romy Rafael

First Name Romy
Born on July 12, 1977 (age 47)
Born in Indonesia, East Java
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Romy Kasper

First Name Romy
Born on May 5, 1988 (age 36)
Born in Germany, Brandenburg

Romy Kasper is a German racing cyclist, who currently rides for UCI Women's Continental Team Team Jumbo–Visma. She competed in the 2013 UCI women's road race in Florence. She competed for Germany at the 2016 Summer Olympics in the women's road race where she finished in 44th place.

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Romy Scheiber

First Name Romy
Born on November 30, 1953 (age 71)
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