List of Famous people named Rima

Similar names: Remy, Remi, Remo, Reema, Rim, Rem, Reima, Rimma, Remya, Rimi. Here are some famous Rimas:

Rima Zeidan

First Name Rima
Last Name Zeidan
Born on May 1, 1990 (age 34)

Rima Zeidan is a Taiwanese-Lebanese presenter, model and actress from Taiwan. In 2017 she appeared in the film Missing Johnny for which she was voted Best New Talent at the Taipei Film Festival and won the Golden Horse Award for Best New Performer.

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Rima Melati

First Name Rima
Last Name Melati
Born on August 22, 1939
Died on June 23, 2022 (aged 82)

Marjolein Tambayong, better known by her stage name Rima Melati, is an Indonesian actress and singer. Born in Tondano, Sulawesi, by the 1950s she had moved to Jakarta and become a model. After joining the girl group The Baby Dolls and taking a minor acting role, in 1961 Melati starred in her first film, Kasih Tak Sampai. Since then she has appeared in almost a hundred feature films, including works by Wim Umboh, Sjumandjaja, and Teguh Karya. For this oeuvre she has received multiple awards, including a PWI Award for Best Actress for Noda Tak Berampun, a Citra Award for Best Leading Actress for Intan Berduri, and five nominations for the Citra Award for Best Supporting Actress.

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Rima Maktabi

First Name Rima
Last Name Maktabi
Born on May 12, 1977 (age 47)

Rima Maktabi is a Lebanese TV presenter and award-winning journalist who returned to al-Arabiya after hosting CNN's monthly program Inside the Middle East for two years and previously working at the Arab satellite channel since 2005. She was among several female Arab journalists who first became known through her reporting during the 2006 Lebanon War and who had successful careers afterward, including Maktabi and her former colleague at al-Arabiya Najwa Qassem.

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Rima Fakih

First Name Rima
Last Name Fakih
Born on September 22, 1985 (age 39)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Rima Fakih Slaiby is a Lebanese-American model, actress, and beauty pageant titleholder who was crowned Miss USA 2010. Having previously been crowned Miss Michigan USA 2010, Fakih was the third woman from Michigan to win the Miss USA title, and the first Arab American. Fakih was a contestant in season five of WWE Tough Enough, where she trained to become a WWE professional wrestler. In 2018, she became the national director of the Miss Universe Lebanon Organization.

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Rima Khalaf

First Name Rima
Last Name Khalaf
Born on January 1, 1953 (age 72)

Rima Khalaf Hunaidi is a national of Jordan who served as Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) from 2010 to 2017. She resigned from this position in March 2017, following a request from the UN Secretary General António Guterres to withdraw a report that accused Israel of establishing an apartheid regime.

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Rima Melati Adams

First Name Rima
Last Name Adams
Born on July 1, 1980 (age 44)

Rima Melati Sheila Adams born in Hong Kong, July 1, 1980, is a model, actress, singer and TV personality. Most recently, she is a handbag designer.

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Rima Karaki

First Name Rima
Last Name Karaki

Rima Karaki is a Lebanese television show host, author and columnist. She is the presenter of the program Lel Nasher (للنشر), on the Lebanese television station Al-Jadeed. She gained international notice from her interview with Hani al-Sibai. Prior to joining Al-Jadeed, she was the presenter of Alam al Sabah on the Lebanese TV station Future TV.

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Rima Nishizaki

First Name Rima
Last Name Nishizaki
Born on June 9, 1993 (age 31)
Born in Japan
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