List of Famous people named Rikky

Similar names: Rick, Ricky, Richie, Rich, Rik, Reiko, Rickey, Rickie, Richa, Rika, Riki, Riko, Reka, Rikiya, Ricki, Rieko, Rikke, Reika, Reche, Reki, Richy, Riqui, Richey, Rike, Reiichi, Riichi, Rikki. Here are some famous Rikkys:

Rikky von Opel

First Name Rikky
Born on October 14, 1947 (age 76)

Frederick "Rikky" von Opel is a former racing driver who represented Liechtenstein in the Formula One World Championship, the only driver to have done so. He won the Lombard North British Formula 3 Championship in 1972. He participated in 14 Formula One World Championship Grands Prix for the Ensign and Brabham teams, debuting on July 1, 1973. He scored no championship points.

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