List of Famous people named Rikiya

Similar names: Rick, Ricky, Richie, Rich, Rik, Reiko, Rickey, Rickie, Richa, Rika, Riki, Riko, Reka, Ricki, Rieko, Rikke, Reika, Reche, Reki, Richy, Riqui, Richey, Rike, Reiichi, Riichi, Rikki. Here are some famous Rikiyas:

Rikiya Koyama

First Name Rikiya
Born on December 18, 1963 (age 60)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Rikiya Koyama is a Japanese actor and voice actor. He is a member of Haiyuza Theatre Company. He has done popular voicing roles in Hajime no Ippo, Utawarerumono and Kamen no Maid Guy. He is also known by the nicknames "Rikki" and "Riki-chan". Koyama become well known for voicing Yamato in Naruto Shippuden, Kogoro Mouri in Case Closed. He is also known for voicing rather tall or massive inhuman villains like Coyote Starrk in Bleach, Fukuro in Fairy Tail and Deep Sea King in One Punch Man. He is also the official dub-over artist of George Clooney and Kiefer Sutherland, also for Ma Dong-seok.

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Rikiya Matsuda

First Name Rikiya
Born on May 3, 1994 (age 30)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Rikiya Matsuda is a Japanese international rugby union player who plays as an outside back.

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Rikiya Kawaguchi

First Name Rikiya
Born on January 17, 1975 (age 49)
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Rikiya Otaka

First Name Rikiya
Born on August 27, 1991 (age 32)
Born in Japan

Rikiya Otaka is a Japanese actor.

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