List of Famous people named Ricardo

Name Ricardo is among the most common names in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Portugal, Spain. Similar names: Rickard, Rikard, Rickarda. Here are some famous Ricardos:

Ricardo Pepi

Ricardo Daniel Pepi
First Name Ricardo
Last Name Pepi
Born on January 9, 2003 (age 21)
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Ricardo Daniel Pepi is an American professional soccer player who plays as a forward for Major League Soccer club FC Dallas.

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Ricardo Montaner

Héctor Eduardo Reglero Montaner
First Name Ricardo
Last Name Montaner
Born on September 8, 1957 (age 66)

Héctor Eduardo Reglero Montaner, better known as Ricardo Montaner, is an Argentine-Venezuelan singer and songwriter. Since starting his career in the late 1970s, he has already released more than 24 albums, and many successful singles. He has sold an estimated sales of 22 million records worldwide, making him one of the best-selling Latin music artists.

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Ricardo Quaresma

Ricardo Andrade Quaresma Bernardo
First Name Ricardo
Last Name Quaresma
Born on September 26, 1983 (age 40)
Born in Portugal, Lisboa
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Ricardo Andrade Quaresma Bernardo is a Portuguese professional footballer who plays as a winger for Vitória S.C. and the Portugal national team.

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Ricardo La Volpe

First Name Ricardo
Last Name Volpe
Born on February 6, 1952 (age 72)
Born in Argentina
Height 188 cm | 6'2

Ricardo Antonio La Volpe Guarchoni is an Argentine former professional footballer and manager. He is a World Cup-winning goalkeeper who played for most of his career in Argentina and Mexico.

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Ricardo Gareca

Ricardo Alberto Gareca Nardi, nicknamed el Tigre and el Flaco, is an Argentine football manager and former player. He is the current manager of the Peru national team.

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Ricardo Rosselló

Ricardo Antonio Rosselló Nevares
First Name Ricardo
Last Name Rosselló
Born on March 7, 1979 (age 45)
Born in Puerto Rico

Ricardo "Ricky" Antonio Rosselló Nevares is a Puerto Rican politician, scientist, and businessman who served as Governor of Puerto Rico from 2017 to 2019. He resigned on August 2, 2019 after protests related to the Telegramgate scandal. He is the son of former governor of Puerto Rico and pediatric surgeon Pedro Rosselló.

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Ricardo Rodriguez

Ricardo Ivan Rodriguez Araya
First Name Ricardo
Last Name Rodriguez
Born on August 25, 1992 (age 31)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Ricardo Ivan Rodriguez Araya is a Swiss professional footballer who plays as a left-back for Serie A club Torino and the Switzerland national team.

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Ricardo Canaya Cortés

First Name Ricardo
Last Name Cortés
Born on February 25, 1979 (age 45)
Born in Mexico

Ricardo Anaya Cortés is a Mexican lawyer and politician, and a member and former president of the centre-right National Action Party (PAN). He held the positions of Federal Deputy in the LXII Legislature of the Congress of the Union in Mexico, President of the Chamber of Deputies in Mexico and leader of the Parliamentary Group of the main opposing party in the Chamber of Deputies in Mexico. He held the position of National President of the National Action Party until 9 December 2017, when he resigned to run in the 2018 presidential election for the PAN party in political coalition with the leftist parties Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) and Citizens' Movement (MC).

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Ricardo Carvalho

First Name Ricardo
Last Name Carvalho
Born on May 18, 1978 (age 46)
Born in Portugal, Porto
Height 182 cm | 6'0

Ricardo Alberto Silveira de Carvalho OIH is a retired Portuguese professional footballer who played as a centre back. He is widely considered one of the greatest center backs from the modern era. He is currently the assistant manager of French club Marseille.

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Ricardo Bochini

First Name Ricardo
Last Name Bochini
Born on January 25, 1954 (age 70)
Height 168 cm | 5'6

Ricardo Enrique Bochini is an Argentine former professional footballer, who played as an attacking midfielder. He is nicknamed El Bocha. He spent his nearly twenty-year professional career at club Independiente, becoming one of the most emblematic players and the greatest idol in the history of the club.

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