List of Famous people named Rasha

Similar names: Rasho. Here are some famous Rashas:

Rasha Rizk

First Name Rasha
Born on March 5, 1976 (age 48)

Rasha Rizk is a Syrian singer-songwriter. She is known for her work with the Syrian cartoon dubbing company, Venus Centre, and singing the Arabic theme songs for popular cartoons/animes such as: Remi, Nobody's Girl, Detective Conan and the Digimon Series.

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Rasha Al Taqi

First Name Rasha
Born on October 18, 1985 (age 38)

Racha Taki is a lebanese actress. She is from an artistic family where her mother is the Syrian actress Sabah Al Jazairi and her aunt is the comedian Samia Al Jazairi.

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Rasha Sharbaji

First Name Rasha
Born on April 20, 1975 (age 49)

Rasha Hesham Shurbatji is a Syrian director; she is known for her works in Syrian and Egyptian drama.

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Rasha Bukvic

First Name Rasha
Born on November 11, 1979 (age 44)
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Rasha al Ameer

First Name Rasha
Born on January 1, 2000 (age 24)

Rasha al Ameer is a Lebanese publisher, cultural critic and novelist.

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Rasha Bilal

First Name Rasha
Born on November 30, 1988 (age 35)
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Rasha Thadani

First Name Rasha
Born on March 16, 2005 (age 19)
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