List of Famous people named Pamela

Name Pamela is among the most common names in USA, England. Here are some famous Pamelas:

Pamela Anderson

Pamela Denise Anderson
First Name Pamela
Born on July 1, 1967 (age 57)
Height 165 cm | 5'5

Pamela Denise Anderson is a Canadian-American actress, model, and television personality. She is best known for her numerous appearances in Playboy magazine and for her work on the television series Home Improvement, Baywatch (1992–1997), and V.I.P. (1998–2002).

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Pamela Rendi-Wagner

Joy Pamela Wagner
First Name Pamela
Born on May 7, 1971 (age 53)
Born in Austria

Pamela Rendi-Wagner is an Austrian physician and politician serving as the chairwoman of the Social Democratic Party (SPÖ) since November 2018. She is the first woman to lead the SPÖ.

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Pamela Smart

Pamela Ann Wojas
First Name Pamela
Born on August 16, 1967 (age 57)

Pamela Ann Smart is an American woman who was convicted of conspiracy to commit murder, witness tampering and accomplice to first degree murder. In 1990, at age 22, Smart was accused of conspiring with her underaged sex partner, then 15-year-old William "Billy" Flynn, and three of his friends to have her 24-year-old husband Greggory Smart killed in Derry, New Hampshire. She is currently serving a life sentence at Bedford Hills Correctional Facility for Women, a maximum security prison in Westchester County, New York.

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Pamela Adlon

Pamela Fionna Segall
First Name Pamela
Height 151 cm | 4'11

Pamela Adlon is an American actress, voice actress, screenwriter, producer and director, best known for voicing Bobby Hill in the animated comedy series King of the Hill (1997–2010), for which she won a Primetime Emmy Award. She also voiced Baloo in Jungle Cubs (1996–1998), the title role in the video games Pajama Sam (1996–2001), Lucky in 101 Dalmatians: The Series (1997–1998), Ashley Spinelli in Recess (1997–2001) and Brigette Murphy in Milo Murphy's Law (2016–2019), among numerous others.

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Pamela S. Karlan

First Name Pamela
Born on January 1, 1959 (age 66)

Pamela Susan Karlan is an American professor of law at Stanford Law School. A leading legal scholar on voting rights and political process, she served as U.S. Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Voting Rights in the United States Department of Justice Civil Division from 2014 to 2015.

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Pamela Stephenson

First Name Pamela
Born on December 4, 1949 (age 75)
Height 163 cm | 5'4

Pamela Helen Stephenson, Lady Connolly, is a New Zealand-born psychologist, writer, and performer who is now a resident in both the United Kingdom and the United States. She is best known for her work as an actress and comedian during the 1980s, particularly in Not the Nine O'Clock News. She has written several books, which include a biography of her husband Sir Billy Connolly, and presented a psychology-based interview show called Shrink Rap on British and Australian television.

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Pamela Brown

Pamela Ashley Brown
First Name Pamela
Born on November 29, 1983 (age 41)

Pamela Ashley Brown is an American television reporter and newscaster. Brown works as senior Washington Correspondent for CNN. She formerly worked for ABC Washington, D.C., affiliate WJLA-TV. Brown occasionally provided the lead-in to "Politico's Video Playback"—a daily recap of the previous night's U.S. late-night talk shows.

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Pamela David

First Name Pamela
Born on October 6, 1978 (age 46)

Pamela Carolina David Gutiérrez Spanish pronunciation: [paˈmela ðaˈβið]) is an Argentinian television personality, presenter, voice actress and model. She found fame in the reality TV show El BarTV 2. She currently works as a co-hostess on América TV's Desayuno Americano.

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Pamela Sue Martin

First Name Pamela
Born on January 5, 1953 (age 72)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Pamela Sue Martin is an American actress. She is best known for her portrayal of teenage detective Nancy Drew on the television series The Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries and for originating the role of socialite Fallon Carrington Colby on the ABC nighttime soap opera Dynasty.

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Pamela Jiles

First Name Pamela
Born on November 30, 1960 (age 64)

Pamela Jiles Moreno is a Chilean journalist and politician, currently serving as a member of the Chamber of Deputies, representing District 12 of the Santiago Metropolitan Region.

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