List of Famous people named Naim

Similar names: Naima. Here are some famous Naims:

Naim Süleymanoğlu

First Name Naim
Last Name Süleymanoğlu
Born on January 23, 1967
Died on November 18, 2017 (aged 50)
Height 147 cm | 4'10

Naim Süleymanoğlu was a Bulgarian-Turkish Olympic weightlifter. He was a seven-time World Weightlifting champion and a three-time Olympic gold medalist and set multiple world records. He is widely considered to have been the best pound for pound Olympic weightlifter of all time, and one of the greatest Olympic weightlifters ever.

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Naím Thomas

Naím Thomas Mansilla
First Name Naím
Last Name Thomas
Born on October 16, 1980 (age 44)
Born in Spain, Catalonia

Naím Thomas Mansilla is a Spanish singer and actor. He rose to fame by taking part in the first-ever series of Operación Triunfo (2001–2002). In addition to a musical career, he has appeared in a number of films, theatre works and musicals.

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Naïm Sliti

First Name Naïm
Last Name Sliti
Born on July 27, 1992 (age 32)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Naïm Sliti is a Tunisian professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for Al-Ettifaq and the Tunisia national team.

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Naïm Kattan

First Name Naïm
Last Name Kattan
Born on August 26, 1928
Died on July 2, 2021 (aged 92)

Naïm Kattan, was a Canadian novelist, essayist and critic of Iraqi Jewish origin. He is the author of more than 30 books, translated into several languages.

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Naim Talu

First Name Naim
Last Name Talu
Born on July 22, 1919
Died on May 15, 1998 (aged 78)

Mehmet Naim Talu was a Turkish economist, banker, politician and former Prime Minister of Turkey.

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Naim Mohammed

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Naim Qassem

First Name Naim
Last Name Qassem
Born on January 1, 1953 (age 72)

Naim Qassem is a Shia Lebanese cleric and politician, who was the second-in-command of Hezbollah with the title of deputy secretary-general.

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Naim Dilmener

First Name Naim
Last Name Dilmener
Born on November 30, 1955 (age 69)
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