List of Famous people named Miroslav

Similar names: Miroslava. Here are some famous Miroslavs:

Miroslav Klose

Miroslav Josef Klose
First Name Miroslav
Born on June 9, 1978 (age 46)
Height 184 cm | 6'0

Miroslav Josef Klose is a German former professional footballer who played as a striker. He currently is a first-team assistant coach for Bundesliga club Bayern Munich. Klose is widely regarded as one of the best strikers of his generation and holds the record for the most goals scored in FIFA World Cup tournaments.

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Miroslav Žbirka

First Name Miroslav
Born on October 21, 1952
Died on November 10, 2021 (aged 69)

Miroslav Žbirka was a Slovak pop music singer and songwriter. He performed in Slovak, Czech, and English.

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Miroslav Raduljica

Miroslav Raduljica is a Serbian professional basketball player for the Zhejiang Lions of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA). He also represents the Serbian national basketball team in international competition. Standing at 2.13 m, he plays at the center position.

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Miroslav Filipović

First Name Miroslav
Born on June 5, 1915
Died on June 29, 1946 (aged 31)

Miroslav Filipović, also known as Tomislav Filipović and Tomislav Filipović-Majstorović, was a Bosnian Croat Franciscan friar and Ustashe military chaplain who participated in atrocities during World War II in Yugoslavia. Convicted as a war criminal in a Yugoslav civil court, he was executed by hanging in 1946.

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Miroslav Stoch

First Name Miroslav
Born on October 19, 1989 (age 34)
Height 167 cm | 5'6

Miroslav Stoch is a Slovak professional footballer who plays as a winger for Zagłębie Lubin and the Slovakia national team.

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Miroslav Lazanski

First Name Miroslav
Born on September 18, 1950
Died on August 4, 2021 (aged 70)

Miroslav Lazanski was а Serbian journalist, military analyst, politician, and a diplomat who served as ambassador of Serbia to the Russian Federation. Previous to his appointment, Lazanski was a Member of parliament. He wrote on political and military matters and was a correspondent and commentator for the Belgrade daily Politika. He was a member of the National Assembly of Serbia from 2016 to 2019 as member of the governing coalition led by the Serbian Progressive Party.

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Miroslav Fryčer

Miroslav Fryčer was a Czech ice hockey forward who played eight seasons in the National Hockey League (NHL). He played for the Quebec Nordiques, Toronto Maple Leafs, Detroit Red Wings, and Edmonton Oilers from 1981 to 1989. After retiring, he served as head coach of Orli Znojmo in the Austrian-based Erste Bank Hockey League. He was often referred to by his nicknames of Mirko or Miro.

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Miroslav Đukić

Miroslav Đukić is a Serbian former footballer who played as a sweeper, and a manager.

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Miroslav Nemirov

First Name Miroslav
Born on November 8, 1961
Died on February 21, 2016 (aged 54)

Miroslav Maratovich Nemirov was a Russian poet, associated with Russian punk rock, born in Rostov-on-Don. He is most known as a founder of Instruktsiya po Vyzhivaniyu rock group in 1985 in Tyumen and the author of the Great Tyumen Encyclopaedia, as well as being a regular columnist of Russian Journal between 2000 and 2003. He collaborated with Grazhdanskaya Oborona as well.

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Miroslav Votava

Miroslav "Mirko" Votava is a German retired footballer, and a coach.

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