List of Famous people named Marwa

Here are some famous Marwas:

Marwa Loud

First Name Marwa
Last Name Loud
Born on December 12, 1996 (age 27)
Born in France, Grand Est

Marwa Outamghart Colmar (Haut-Rhin), France. Commonly known as Marwa Loud, is a French singer of Moroccan origin . Her parents come from a Berber village near from Beni Mellal, Morocco. In 2017, she was signed to Lartiste's record label Purple Money Purple (PMP). She is best known for a number of singles, notably "Fallait pas". Her debut album Loud was certified gold in 2018 reaching number 2 on the French Albums Chart and also charting in Belgium, Netherlands and Switzerland. Marwa Loud is married and keeps her husband away from the public’s eye. Her song "Bad boy" rose to popularity after several videos on social media used the song over clips of English footballer Mason Mount doing his signature goal celebration.

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Marwa Ben sghaier

First Name Marwa
Last Name Sghaier
Born on August 31, 1990 (age 33)
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Marwa Abdel Moneim

First Name Marwa
Last Name Moneim
Born on November 18, 1978 (age 45)
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Marwa Mohamed

مروه محمد
First Name Marwa
Last Name Mohamed
Born on September 11, 1987 (age 36)
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Marwa Mahran

First Name Marwa
Last Name Mahran
Born on July 12, 1978 (age 46)
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Don't know him/her
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