List of Famous people named Magdalen

Similar names: Magdalena, Magdalene, Magdalin. Here are some famous Magdalens:

Magdalen Berns

First Name Magdalen
Born on May 6, 1983
Died on September 13, 2019 (aged 36)

Magdalen Berns was a British YouTuber, boxer and software developer. Berns, a lesbian radical feminist, came to prominence in the late-2010s as a result of a series of YouTube vlogs focusing on lesbian politics, free speech, and gender identity. Berns's views attracted controversy, leading to her being described as "transphobic" and a "TERF". Berns also co-founded the group For Women Scotland (Forwomen.Scot), which opposes proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act 2004.

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Magdalen Duff

First Name Magdalen
Born on July 2, 1752
Died on November 22, 1828 (aged 76)
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Magdalen Ogilvie

First Name Magdalen
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Magdalen Janet Anstruther

First Name Magdalen
Born on April 19, 1889
Died on February 15, 1953 (aged 63)
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Magdalen Newport

First Name Magdalen
Died on May 31, 1627
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Magdalen Halyburton

First Name Magdalen
Died on March 10, 1650
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Magdalen Murray

First Name Magdalen
Born on January 1, 1723
Died on January 14, 1815 (aged 92)
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Magdalen Ducas

First Name Magdalen
Born on June 2, 1938
Died on November 3, 2001 (aged 63)
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Magdalen Kynaston

First Name Magdalen
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Magdalen Carnegie

First Name Magdalen
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Don't know him/her
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