List of Famous people named Kujo

Here are some famous Kujos:

Kujō Hisatada

First Name Kujō
Last Name Hisatada
Born on September 5, 1798
Died on October 5, 1871 (aged 73)

Kujō Hisatada , son of Nijō Harutaka, was a kuge or Japanese court noble of the Edo period (1603–1868). He was adopted by his brother Suketsugu as his son. He held a regent position kampaku from 1856 to 1862, and retired in 1863, becoming a priest.

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Kujō Kaneharu

First Name Kujō
Last Name Kaneharu
Born on March 17, 1641
Died on January 1, 1677 (aged 35)

Kujō Kaneharu , son of Takatsukasa Norihira and adopted son of regent Michifusa, was a kugyō or Japanese court noble of the Edo period (1603–1868). Unlike other members of the family, he did not hold regent positions kampaku and sesshō. He married a daughter of Kujō Michifusa.

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Kujō Yoritsune

First Name Kujō
Last Name Yoritsune
Born on February 12, 1218
Died on September 1, 1256 (aged 38)

Kujō Yoritsune , also known as Fujiwara no Yoritsune , was the fourth shōgun of the Kamakura shogunate of Japan. His father was kanpaku Kujō Michiie and his grandmother was a niece of Minamoto no Yoritomo. His wife was a granddaughter of Minamoto no Yoritomo and daughter of Minamoto no Yoriie. He was born in the year of the Tiger, in the month, on the day, and so his given name at birth was Mitora.

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Kujō Michitaka

First Name Kujō
Last Name Michitaka
Born on May 31, 1839
Died on January 1, 1906 (aged 66)

Kujō Michitaka , son of regent Kujō Hisatada and adopted son of his brother, Kujō Yukitsune, was a kuge or Japanese court noble of the late Edo period and politician of the early Meiji era who served as a member of the House of Peers. One of his daughters, Sadako married Emperor Taishō.

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Kujō Michiie

First Name Kujō
Last Name Michiie
Born on July 28, 1193
Died on January 1, 1252 (aged 58)

Kujō Michiie was a Japanese regent in the 13th century. He was the father of Kujō Yoritsune and grandson of Kujō Kanezane. He was the father of Norizane and Yoritsune. His third son Ichijō Sanetsune was the founding father of Ichijō family, while his second son Nijō Yoshizane founded Nijō family.

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Kujō Yoritsugu

First Name Kujō
Last Name Yoritsugu
Born on December 17, 1239
Died on October 14, 1256 (aged 16)

Kujō Yoritsugu , also known as Fujiwara no Yoritsugu , was the fifth shōgun of the Kamakura shogunate of Japan. His father was the 4th Kamakura shōgun, Kujō Yoritsune.

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