List of Famous people named Kamal

Similar names: Kamala, Kamalei. Here are some famous Kamals:

Kamal Ranadive

First Name Kamal
Last Name Ranadive
Born on January 1, 1917
Died on January 1, 2001 (aged 84)
Born in India

Kamal Ranadive, née Kamal Jayasing Ranadive was an Indian biomedical researcher who is known for her research in cancer about the links between cancers and viruses. She was a founder member of the Indian Women Scientists' Association (IWSA).

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Kamal Haasan

First Name Kamal
Last Name Haasan
Born on November 7, 1954 (age 69)
Born in India

Kamal Haasan is an Indian actor, dancer, film director, screenwriter, producer, playback singer, lyricist and politician who works primarily in Tamil cinema. Hassan has also worked in Malayalam, Hindi, Telugu, Kannada and Bengali films. His production company, Raaj Kamal Films International, has produced several of his films. Haasan's contributions to film have been praised by his contemporaries in the across the Indian film industry, and he has been recognised as an influence for actors and filmmakers in the Tamil film industry. He has won four National Film Awards and 19 Filmfare Awards. He was awarded the Kalaimamani award in 1984 the Padma Shri in 1990, the Padma Bhushan in 2014 and the Ordre des Arts et des Lettres (Chevalier) in 2016. He was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award at 15th Mumbai International Film Festival in 2013.

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Kamal Nath

First Name Kamal
Last Name Nath
Born on November 18, 1946 (age 77)
Born in India

Kamal Nath is an Indian politician who served as the 18th Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh for approximately 15 months and resigned after a political crisis. He is the Leader of the Opposition in the Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly since March 2020.

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Kamal Deen Sulemana

First Name Kamal
Last Name Sulemana
Born on February 15, 2002 (age 22)

Kamaldeen Sulemana, simply known as Kamaldeen, is a Ghanaian professional footballer who plays as a winger for Ligue 1 club Stade Rennais and the Ghana national team.

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Kamal Givens

First Name Kamal
Last Name Givens
Born on March 25, 1981 (age 43)

Kamal Givens, also known as Chance, is an American rapper and television personality. Givens is perhaps best known for his work in reality television, beginning with his role on season one of VH1's I Love New York (2007), wherein he was one of 20 contenders for the affections of Tiffany "New York" Pollard. On I Love New York, Givens appears with his brother Ahmad Givens,. Givens is also a former Capitol Records artist.

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Kamal Amrohi

First Name Kamal
Last Name Amrohi
Born on January 17, 1918
Died on February 11, 1993 (aged 75)
Born in India

Syed Amir Haider Kamal Naqvi, popularly known as Kamal Amrohi, was an Indian film director and screenwriter. He was also an Urdu and Hindi poet.

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Kamal Rani

First Name Kamal
Last Name Rani
Born on May 3, 1958
Died on August 2, 2020 (aged 62)
Born in India

Kamal Rani Varun was an Indian politician and Cabinet Minister in the Government of Uttar Pradesh. She was member of Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly. She was also a member of Eleventh and Twelfth Lok Sabha.

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Kamal el-Shennawi

First Name Kamal
Last Name El-Shennawi
Born on December 26, 1921
Died on August 22, 2011 (aged 89)

Mohammed Kamal el-Shennawi was an Egyptian film and television actor, director and producer. He is the maternal uncle of Egyptian American actor Haythem Noor and Amr Youssri.

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Kamal Elgargni

First Name Kamal
Last Name Elgargni
Born on November 21, 1971 (age 52)
Born in Libya

Kamal Abdulsalam El-Gargni is a Libyan professional bodybuilder residing in England. He won the 212 Mr. Olympia in 2019.

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Kamal Bamadhaj

First Name Kamal
Last Name Bamadhaj
Died on November 12, 1991 (aged 21)

Kamal Bamadhaj was a political science student and human rights activist, who was killed in the Dili Massacre in East Timor on November 12, 1991.

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