List of Famous people named Jojo

Similar names: Joji. Here are some famous Jojos:

JoJo Siwa

Joelle Joanie Siwa
First Name JoJo
Last Name Siwa
Born on May 19, 2003 (age 21)

Joelle Joanie "JoJo" Siwa is an American dancer, singer, actress, and YouTube personality. She is known for appearing for two seasons on Dance Moms along with her mother, Jessalynn Siwa, and for her singles "Boomerang" and "Kid in a Candy Store". Siwa posts daily videos of her day-to-day life on her YouTube channel, "Its JoJo Siwa". She was included on Time's annual list of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2020.

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JoJo Fletcher

First Name JoJo
Last Name Fletcher
Born on November 1, 1990 (age 33)

Joelle Hannah Fletcher is a real estate developer and American television personality, who is best known for her role as a contestant on the twentieth season of ABC's The Bachelor and as the lead on the twelfth season of The Bachelorette.

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Jojo Moyes

Pauline Sara Jo Moyes
First Name Jojo
Last Name Moyes
Born on August 4, 1969 (age 54)

Pauline Sara Jo Moyes, known professionally as Jojo Moyes, is an English journalist and, since 2002, a romance novelist and screenwriter. She is one of only a few authors to have twice won the Romantic Novel of the Year Award by the Romantic Novelists' Association and has been translated into twenty-eight languages.

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JoJo Offerman

Joseann Alexie Offerman
First Name JoJo
Last Name Offerman
Born on March 10, 1994 (age 30)

Joseann Alexie Rotunda is an American ring announcer, professional wrestler, and singer. She is best known for her time with WWE under the ring name JoJo. She was part of the E! Network reality television show Total Divas during the first season, which aired in 2013.

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Jojo Mayer

First Name Jojo
Last Name Mayer
Born on January 18, 1963 (age 61)

Sergé "Jojo" Mayer is a Swiss virtuoso drummer born in Zürich and currently residing in New York City.

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Jojo Smollett

First Name Jojo
Last Name Smollett
Born on August 28, 1977 (age 46)
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JoJo Starbuck

Alicia Starbuck
First Name JoJo
Last Name Starbuck
Born on February 14, 1951 (age 73)

Alicia "JoJo" Starbuck, is an American figure skater. With partner Kenneth Shelley, she is a three-time United States pair skating champion (1970–72) and two-time Olympian.

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Jojo Maronttinni

Jordana Gleise de Jesus Menezes
First Name Jojo
Last Name Maronttinni
Born on February 11, 1997 (age 27)
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Jojo Goh

First Name Jojo
Last Name Goh
Born on March 29, 1983 (age 41)
Born in Malaysia
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JoJo Chen

First Name JoJo
Last Name Chen
Born on August 31, 1991 (age 32)
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