List of Famous people named Johnson

Here are some famous Johnsons:

Johnson Beharry

First Name Johnson
Last Name Beharry
Born on July 26, 1979 (age 45)

Colour Sergeant Johnson Gideon Beharry, VC, COG is a British Army soldier who, on 18 March 2005, was awarded the Victoria Cross, the highest military decoration for valour in the British and Commonwealth armed forces, for saving members of his unit, the 1st Battalion Princess of Wales's Royal Regiment, from ambushes on 1 May and again on 11 June 2004 at Al-Amarah, Iraq. He sustained serious head injuries in the latter engagement. Beharry was formally invested with the Victoria Cross by Queen Elizabeth II on 27 April 2005.

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Johnson Lee

First Name Johnson
Last Name Lee
Born on April 11, 1974 (age 50)

Johnson Lee is a Hong Kong TVB actor and celebrity impersonator.

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Johnson Yuen Tak Cheong

First Name Johnson
Last Name Cheong
Born on July 5, 1979 (age 45)
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Johnson Aguiyi-Ironsi

First Name Johnson
Last Name Aguiyi-Ironsi
Born on March 3, 1924
Died on July 29, 1966 (aged 42)
Born in Nigeria, Abia State

Major General Johnson Thomas Umunnakwe Aguiyi-Ironsi MVO, MBE was the first Military Head of State of Nigeria. He seized power amidst the ensuing chaos following the 15 January 1966 military coup, which decapitated the country's leadership.

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Johnson Toribiong

First Name Johnson
Last Name Toribiong
Born on July 22, 1946 (age 78)
Born in Palau

Johnson Toribiong is a Palauan attorney and politician. Toribiong became the President of Palau, following his victory in the November 2008 election, and left office in 2013. Before 2020 elections, Toribiong has run for president four times - in 1992, 1996, 2008 and 2012.

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Johnson Yeung

First Name Johnson
Last Name Yeung
Born on November 29, 1991 (age 33)

Johnson Yeung Ching Yin is a Hong Kong pro-democracy social activist, who was former convener of the Civil Human Rights Front and Secretary-General of the Hong Kong Federation of Students.

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Johnson Lam Man-hon

First Name Johnson
Last Name Man-hon
Born on January 1, 1961 (age 64)

Johnson Lam Man-hon is a Permanent Judge of the Hong Kong Court of Final Appeal.

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