List of Famous people named Jamey

Similar names: Jamie, Jami, Jama, Jame. Here are some famous Jameys:

Jamey Chadwell

First Name Jamey
Born on November 30, 1976 (age 47)

Jamey Chadwell is an American football coach and former player, who serves as the head coach and offensive coordinator at Coastal Carolina; he also served as interim head coach in the 2017 season while permanent head coach Joe Moglia was on a medical leave. He was named Head Coach of CCU on January 18, 2019. Chadwell was previously the head coach at Charleston Southern University for four seasons (2013–2016), North Greenville University for three seasons (2009–2011) and Delta State University for one season (2012). He grew up in Tennessee and attended East Tennessee State University where he played quarterback from 1995 to 1999. He began his coaching career in 2000 at East Tennessee State before taking an assistant position at Charleston Southern University in 2004.

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Jamey Sheridan

First Name Jamey
Born on July 12, 1951 (age 73)

James Patrick Sheridan is an American actor known for playing a wide range of roles in theater, film, and television.

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Jamey Scott

First Name Jamey
Born on November 30, 1969 (age 54)

Daxter is a platform video game developed by Ready at Dawn and published by Sony Computer Entertainment on the PlayStation Portable on March 14, 2006. A spin-off of the Jak and Daxter series, Daxter takes place during the 2-year timeskip occurring during the opening cutscene of Jak II; unlike the other installments of the franchise focusing primarily on Jak, the game focuses on the adventures of his sidekick Daxter while Jak is imprisoned.

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