Jamey Chadwell

Jamey Chadwell
Jamey Chadwell

Jamey Chadwell is an American football coach and former player, who serves as the head coach and offensive coordinator at Coastal Carolina; he also served as interim head coach in the 2017 season while permanent head coach Joe Moglia was on a medical leave. He was named Head Coach of CCU on January 18, 2019. Chadwell was previously the head coach at Charleston Southern University for four seasons (2013–2016), North Greenville University for three seasons (2009–2011) and Delta State University for one season (2012). He grew up in Tennessee and attended East Tennessee State University where he played quarterback from 1995 to 1999. He began his coaching career in 2000 at East Tennessee State before taking an assistant position at Charleston Southern University in 2004.

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General Info
Date of Birth
November 30th, 1976
Star Sign
Social Networks , Links
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