List of Famous people named Honore

Similar names: Honora, Honor, Honoria, Honorio. Here are some famous Honores:

Honoré de Balzac

First Name Honoré
Last Name Balzac
Born on May 20, 1799
Died on August 18, 1850 (aged 51)

Honoré de Balzac was a French novelist and playwright. The novel sequence La Comédie humaine, which presents a panorama of post-Napoleonic French life, is generally viewed as his magnum opus.

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Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, comte de Mirabeau

First Name Honoré
Last Name Mirabeau
Born on March 9, 1749
Died on April 2, 1791 (aged 42)

Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, Count of Mirabeau was a leader of the early stages of the French Revolution. A noble, he had been involved in numerous scandals before the start of the Revolution in 1789 that had left his reputation in ruins. Nonetheless, he rose to the top of the French political hierarchy in the years 1789–1791 and acquired the reputation of a voice of the people. A successful orator, he was the leader of the moderate position among revolutionaries by favoring a constitutional monarchy built on the model of Great Britain. When he died, he was a great national hero, even though support for his moderate position was slipping away. The later discovery that he was in the pay of King Louis XVI and the Austrian enemies of France beginning in 1790 brought him into posthumous disgrace. Historians are deeply split on whether he was a great leader who almost saved the nation from the Terror, a venal demagogue lacking political or moral values, or a traitor in the pay of the enemy.

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Honoré Beaugrand

First Name Honoré
Last Name Beaugrand
Born on March 24, 1848
Died on October 7, 1906 (aged 58)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Honoré Beaugrand was a French Canadian journalist, politician, author and folklorist, born in Berthier County, Quebec.

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Honoré Daumier

First Name Honoré
Last Name Daumier
Born on February 26, 1808
Died on February 10, 1879 (aged 70)

Honoré-Victorin Daumier was a French painter, sculptor, and printmaker, whose many works offer commentary on the social and political life in France, from the Revolution of 1830 to the fall of the second Napoleonic Empire in 1870. He earned a living throughout most of his life producing caricatures and cartoons of political figures and satirizing the behavior of his countrymen in newspapers and periodicals, for which he became well known in his lifetime and is still known today. He was a republican democrat who attacked the bourgeoisie, the church, lawyers and the judiciary, politicians, and the monarchy. He was jailed for several months in 1832 after the publication of Gargantua, a particularly offensive and discourteous depiction of King Louis-Philippe. Daumier was also a serious painter, loosely associated with realism. Although he occasionally exhibited his paintings at the Parisian Salons, his work was largely overlooked and ignored by the French public and most of the critics of the day. Yet the poet and art critic, Charles Baudelaire and Daumier's peers (painters) noticed and greatly admired his paintings, which were to have an influence on a younger generation of impressionist and postimpressionist painters. Later generations have come to recognize Daumier as one of the great French artists of the 19th century. Daumier was a tireless and prolific artist and produced more than 100 sculptures, 500 paintings, 1000 drawings, 1000 wood engravings, and 4000 lithographs.

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Honoré Mercier

First Name Honoré
Last Name Mercier
Born on October 15, 1840
Died on October 30, 1894 (aged 54)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Honoré Mercier was a Canadian lawyer, journalist and politician in Quebec. He was the ninth Premier of Quebec from January 27, 1887 to December 21, 1891, as leader of the Parti National or Quebec Liberal Party (PLQ). He rose to power by mobilizing the Francophone opposition to the execution of Louis Riel, denouncing it as a betrayal by John A. Macdonald's Conservative government.

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Honoré Fragonard

First Name Honoré
Last Name Fragonard
Born on June 13, 1732
Died on April 5, 1799 (aged 66)

Honoré Fragonard was a French anatomist, now remembered primarily for his remarkable collection of écorchés in the Musée Fragonard d'Alfort.

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Honoré IV, Prince of Monaco

First Name Honoré
Last Name Monaco
Born on May 17, 1758
Died on February 16, 1819 (aged 60)

Honoré IV was Prince of Monaco and Duke of Valentinois from 1814 to 16 February 1819. Because of his health, the state of affairs was managed by a regency of brother Joseph Grimaldi, and his son Prince Honoré V.

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Honoré V, Prince of Monaco

First Name Honoré
Last Name Monaco
Born on May 13, 1778
Died on October 2, 1841 (aged 63)

Honoré V was Prince of Monaco and Duke of Valentinois. He was the first son of Honoré IV of Monaco and Louise d'Aumont.

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Honoré Charles Reille

First Name Honoré
Last Name Reille
Died on March 4, 1860

Honoré Charles Michel Joseph Reille was a Marshal of France, born in Antibes.

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Honoré Mercier Jr.

First Name Honoré
Last Name Jr.
Born on March 20, 1875
Died on June 19, 1937 (aged 62)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Honoré Mercier Jr. was a member of the Legislative Assembly of Quebec and the son of Honoré Mercier, former Premier of Quebec and father of Honoré Mercier III.

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