List of Famous people named Hiroshi

Here are some famous Hiroshis:

Hiroshi Kamiya

First Name Hiroshi
Last Name Kamiya
Born on January 28, 1975 (age 49)

Hiroshi Kamiya is a Japanese voice actor, singer and narrator affiliated with Aoni Production.

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Hiroshi Fujioka

First Name Hiroshi
Last Name Fujioka
Born on February 19, 1946 (age 78)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Kunihiro Fujioka , better known by his stage name Hiroshi Fujioka , is a Japanese actor known for playing the hero Takeshi Hongo in the tokusatsu superhero series Kamen Rider, and later the Sega Saturn mascot Segata Sanshiro. Fujioka is a cultural icon in Japan, even having the minor planet 12408 Fujioka, discovered by Akimasa Nakamura, named in his honor. Fujioka writes his name with the ideographic comma at the end, saying "It is meant to remind me to reconsider myself and what it is that I need to achieve. It shows that I am not yet finished with my tasks and must continue working toward their accomplishment."

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Hiroshi Abe

First Name Hiroshi
Last Name Abe
Born on June 22, 1964 (age 60)
Height 189 cm | 6'2

Hiroshi Abe is a Japanese model and actor. He is known for his roles in Still Walking, Chocolate, and Godzilla 2000: Millennium.

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Hiroshi Tachi

First Name Hiroshi
Last Name Tachi
Born on March 31, 1950 (age 74)
Height 181 cm | 5'11

Hiroshi Tachi is a Japanese actor and singer.

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Hiroshi Nagano

First Name Hiroshi
Last Name Nagano
Born on October 9, 1972 (age 52)
Born in Japan

Hiroshi Nagano is a Japanese singer, rapper, actor, and television host. He is a member of V6, a dance-vocal group formed in 1995 by Johnny & Associates, and its subunit 20th Century. He is best-known for his role in the popular tokusatsu series Ultraman Tiga, as the lead character, Daigo Madoka/Ultraman Tiga.

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Hiroshi Tamaki

First Name Hiroshi
Last Name Tamaki
Born on January 14, 1980 (age 44)

Hiroshi Tamaki is a Japanese actor, singer, and model from Nagoya, Japan. When he was still in high school, he was discovered by a talent agent while out shopping with friends. He made his debut in the drama Am I Weird? in 1998. Tamaki became more well known with his appearance in the 2001 film Waterboys.

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Hiroshi Ogawa

First Name Hiroshi
Last Name Ogawa
Born on May 17, 1949
Died on November 2, 2021 (aged 72)

Hiroshi Ogawa is a Japanese politician and governor of Fukuoka Prefecture since 2011. In 2015, he was re-elected for a second term.

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Hiroshi Ogushi

First Name Hiroshi
Last Name Ogushi
Born on August 31, 1965 (age 59)
Born in Saga Prefecture

Hiroshi Ogushi is a Japanese politician and a member of the House of Representatives in the Diet. A native of Kishima District, Saga and graduate of the University of Tokyo, he joined the Ministry of Finance in 1989 and received an MBA from University of California, Los Angeles in the United States while in the ministry. Leaving the ministry in 2005, he was elected to the House of Representatives for the first time in the same year.

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Hiroshi Itsuki

松山 数夫
First Name Hiroshi
Last Name Itsuki
Born on March 14, 1948 (age 76)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Hiroshi Itsuki is a Japanese singer and composer. As of 1987, he had sold 20 million singles and 4 million LP albums.

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Hiroshi Hase

First Name Hiroshi
Last Name Hase
Born on May 5, 1961 (age 63)
Height 180 cm | 5'11

Hiroshi Hase is a Japanese politician who served as the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology under Prime Minister Shinzō Abe. Prior to his appointment in the Cabinet, he also served as a member of the House of Representatives of the National Diet, representing the 1st district of Ishikawa Prefecture.

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