List of Famous people named Fahad

Similar names: Fahadh. Here are some famous Fahads:

Fahad Al-Bishi

First Name Fahad
Last Name Al-Bishi
Born on September 10, 1965 (age 58)
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Fahad Al-Harifi Al-Bishi was born 10 September 1965 in Bisha. He is one of the most famous football players in Saudi Arabia. He retired after the World Club championship.

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Fahad Al-Muwallad

First Name Fahad
Last Name Al-Muwallad
Born on September 14, 1994 (age 29)
Born in Saudi Arabia
Height 166 cm | 5'5

Fahad Mosaed al-Muwallad is a Saudi Arabian professional footballer who plays for Al-Ittihad. He started his professional career with Al-Ittihad when he was only 16 years old. On 31 July 2011 he scored the second goal for Saudi Arabia against Croatia in the 2011 U-20 World Cup in Colombia, which marked his first ever international goal at age 16. In 2012 while playing for Al-Ittihad, he entered the match as a substitute in the last 10 minutes and scored the winning goal against Guangzhou Evergrande F.C. to qualify with his team to AFC Champions League Semi-finals. With Saudi Arabia, he scored the winning goal against China in Asian Cup qualifications. Additionally and most notably he also scored the goal which sent Saudi Arabia to the 2018 World Cup in Russia, He is the fastest footballer in Asia right now.

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Fahad Albutairi

First Name Fahad
Last Name Albutairi
Born on May 12, 1985 (age 39)

Fahad al-Butairi is a Saudi stand-up comedian, actor, screenwriter and political prisoner. Albutairi became the first comedian to perform on stage professionally in Saudi Arabia and in the GCC, following the relaxation of stringent laws against criticism of certain aspects of Saudi society. He is also one of the most notable YouTube personalities from the country.

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Fahad Al-Mirdasi

First Name Fahad
Last Name Al-Mirdasi
Born on August 16, 1985 (age 38)
Born in Saudi Arabia

Fahad Al-Mirdasi is a Saudi Arabian football referee who served as a full international for FIFA from 2011 to 2018, when he was banned for life for match fixing.

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Fahad Al Mubarak

First Name Fahad
Last Name Mubarak
Born on January 1, 1955 (age 69)

Fahad Almubarak is a Minister of State and Member of the Saudi Arabian Council of Ministers and the Saudi Arabia's G20 Sherpa since 2018. He has also been a Royal Court Advisor since 2015 and the Secretary-General of G20 Saudi Secretariat as well as Member of the SABIC Board of Directors’ Investment Committee since 2017.

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Fahad Al Ansari

First Name Fahad
Last Name Ansari
Born on February 25, 1987 (age 37)
Born in Kuwait
Height 190 cm | 6'3

Fahad Ebrahim Al Ansari is a Kuwaiti footballer who plays as a midfielder for Al Qadsia and the Kuwait national team.

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First Name SALMAN
Born on September 1, 1988 (age 35)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Fahad Saleh Al Enezi is a Kuwaiti professional footballer who plays as a winger, most recently for Kuwait SC.

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Fahad Al-Jumaiah

First Name Fahad
Last Name Al-Jumaiah
Born on May 10, 1995 (age 29)

Fahad Al-Jumayah is a Saudi Arabian professional footballer who plays as a right-midfielder for Pro League side Abha.

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Fahad Al-Shamri

First Name Fahad
Last Name Al-Shamri
Born on May 5, 1981 (age 43)
Born in Saudi Arabia

Fahad Al-Shammari is a Saudi Arabian footballer who plays as a goalkeeper.

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Fahad Ghazi

First Name Fahad
Last Name Ghazi
Born on March 1, 1994 (age 30)

Fahad Ghazi Zahem is a Saudi footballer who plays for Al-Ettifaq as a left-back.

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