List of Famous people named Emmett

Similar names: Emmet, Emmitt. Here are some famous Emmetts:

Emmett Till

First Name Emmett
Last Name Till
Born on July 25, 1941
Died on August 28, 1955 (aged 14)

Emmett Louis Till was a 14-year-old African American who was lynched in Mississippi in 1955, after being accused of offending a white woman in her family's grocery store. The brutality of his murder and the fact that his killers were acquitted drew attention to the long history of violent persecution of African Americans in the United States. Till posthumously became an icon of the civil rights movement.

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Emmett J. Scanlan

First Name Emmett
Last Name Scanlan
Born on January 31, 1979 (age 46)
Born in Ireland
Height 184 cm | 6'0

Emmett John Scanlan is an Irish actor. He is best known for playing Brendan Brady in Hollyoaks. He appeared in the BBC Two drama The Fall in 2013 and 2014, Peaky Blinders Series 5, and Breakdown in which he appears alongside Craig Fairbrass, James Cosmo, Bruce Payne, Olivia Grant and Tamer Hassan.

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Emmett Shear

First Name Emmett
Last Name Shear
Born on January 1, 1983 (age 42)

Emmett Shear is an American internet entrepreneur and investor. He is the co-founder of live video platforms and TwitchTV. He is the Chief executive officer of Twitch. He is also a part-time partner at venture capital firm Y Combinator.

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Emmett Chapman

First Name Emmett
Last Name Chapman
Born on September 28, 1936
Died on November 1, 2021 (aged 85)

Emmett Chapman is an American jazz musician best known as the inventor of the Chapman Stick and maker of the Chapman Stick family of instruments.

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Emmett J. Rice

First Name Emmett
Last Name Rice
Born on December 21, 1919
Died on March 10, 2011 (aged 91)

Emmett John Rice was a governor of the Federal Reserve System, a Cornell University economics professor, an expert in the monetary systems of developing countries, and the father of President Barack Obama's National Security Advisor, Susan E. Rice.

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Emmett Johns

First Name Emmett
Last Name Johns
Born on April 3, 1928
Died on January 13, 2018 (aged 89)
Born in Canada, Quebec

Emmett Mathias Joseph Johns,, was a Canadian priest and humanitarian. He was the founder of Dans la Rue, a homeless shelter and support group for street youth in Montreal, Quebec.

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Emmett J. Flynn

Emmett John Flynn
First Name Emmett
Last Name Flynn
Died on June 4, 1937

Emmett J. Flynn was an American director, screenwriter, actor, and producer.

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Emmett Reid Dunn

First Name Emmett
Last Name Dunn
Born on November 21, 1894
Died on February 13, 1956 (aged 61)

Emmett Reid Dunn was an American herpetologist noted for his work in Panama and for studies of salamanders in the Eastern United States.

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Emmett King

First Name Emmett
Last Name King
Born on May 31, 1865
Died on April 21, 1953 (aged 87)

Emmett Carleton King was an American actor of the stage and screen.

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Emmett Forrest Branch

First Name Emmett
Last Name Branch
Born on May 16, 1874
Died on February 23, 1932 (aged 57)

Emmett Forest Branch was the 31st Governor of the U.S. state of Indiana from 1924 to 1925, serving the remainder of the term of Warren T. McCray, who had resigned from office after being convicted for mail fraud. Branch's brief term focused on continuing the reforms and projects of his predecessor.

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